Argo City

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"Kara, we've discovered a astroid few light years from Earth and the technology looks Kryptonian." J'onn said as Kara entered the DEO

"I recognize that city, it's Argo City the city where i was born." Kara said looking at the screen 

"Alex, can you get me that interdimensional extrapolator Cisco gave us?" Kara asked

"Yeah, can i ask why?" Alex said tossing her the device

"I have a certain doppelganger to visit." She said opening a breach and jumping through


As Barry and Caitlin woke up and walked downstairs they saw Jesse and Alyssa speeding around the kitchen making breakfast.

"Looks like you guys are getting the hang of it." Caitlin said laughing

"Making breakfast is so much easier with superspeed." Alyssa said

"How are you guys dealing with the diet of a speedster?" Barry said stealing a pancake

"Well we're slowly getting used to it." Jesse said as her stomach grumbled 

"Okay, maybe it's taking longer than i thought." Jesse admitted

"This might sound ironic but sometimes it's good to slow down sometimes, you know slowly ease into the feeling of being a speedster." Barry said

"Well Barr, in the first week of being The Flash you fought Clyde Mardon, a meta who could control the weather and Danton Black, a meta who could clone himself." Caitlin said laughing as Barry chuckled.

"Really that's so cool." Alyssa said 

"Where's Kara?" Barry said 

"Right here." Kara said running over and hugging her parents

"Morning sweetie." Caitlin said kissing her forehead

"Why didn't i get a 'morning sweetie' and a forehead kiss?" Jesse said fake pouting

"Jess, your 18." Barry said laughing 

"Morning sweetie." Alyssa said kissing Jesse's forehead as Jesse blushed and Caitlin and Barry laughed

"Can i help with breakfast?" Kara asked bouncing on her feet

"Always." Jesse said smiling

The five sat down and ate breakfast until a swirly blue portal opened in the loft. Barry's insticts kicked and he stepped in front of his family getting ready to fight. He was about to throw a punch until a familiar Kryptonian stepped through. 

"Woah woah calm down i come in peace." Kara Danvers joked as Kara ran and hugged her

"Not that we're complaining but why are you here?" Barry asked 

"Well on my Earth we discovered that a remnant of Krypton is still intact......Argo City." Kara said as Kara Allen's eyes were wide open

"Really." Kara asked excitedly as the other Kara nodded just as excited

"We can go right now if you want?" Kara Danvers said

"Have fun sweetie." Barry said hugging her

"What no, you guys are coming as well." Kara Danvers said as Kara Allen nodded 

"Really?" Caitlin asked

"Yeah, i want my family to experience Krypton for themselves."" Kara Allen said jumping in excitement

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