Flash Family

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Days after defeating Savitar and Thawne footage got released of a new speedster dressed in a white and gold suit hugging Sonic and Velocity and treating them as if they were his daughters. Iris had asked Barry, Jesse and Alyssa for permission to write her article about it and they agreed. Barry smiled widely upon reading Iris' article.

'The Flash Family'

"I look horrible in this photo." Alyssa said frowning as Jesse laughed

"Babe, you look beautiful." Jesse said kissing her temple

"I know but look at this lighting i loo-" Alyssa's rambling was cut off by Jesse kissing her

"You. Look. Fine." Jesse said closing the article.

"I guess...." Alyssa sighed as Jesse wrapped her in a hug from behind

"I'm not letting go until you admit to yourself that your beautiful." Jesse said as Alyssa smiled

"Okay, you're beautiful." Alyssa said as Jesse unwrapped her arms

"See, was that so hard?" Jesse asked as Alyssa smiled

"I wasn't talking about me." Alyssa said smiling and kissing Jesse's cheek

"You sly dog." Jesse said laughing

"Hey guys have you seen Aunt Iris' article." Barry said walking in as they nodded

"Yeah, i have to say they really got my good side." Alyssa said as Jesse laughed and shook her head

"Also Joe told me that the mayor wants to present to key to city to The Flash, Sonic and Velocity." Barry said smiling as the girls jumped in excitement

"Why not lead with that?" Jesse said smiling and wrapping Barry in a hug

"When do we need to get ready?" Alyssa asked excitedly

"In about two hours." Barry said looking at his watch

"Oh crap, that's not enough time." Alyssa said running to the bathroom

"Is she alright?" Barry asked confused as Jesse sighed

"She's probaly going to spend those two hours getting ready for the ceremony." Jesse said rubbing the bridge of her nose

"Why?" He asked

"I don't know, Alyssa doesn't feel comfortable out in public as Velocity unless she has her hair done up and stuff" Jesse said

"Okay, maybe you should talk to her, tell her she's fine just the way she is." Barry said smiling

"I tried that, but it hasn't worked." Jesse said sighing

"So if Alyssa is self-conscienous about her public appearance as Velocity, why don't we take some of the attetion off of her." Barry said smiling

"And how do you suggest we do that?" Jesse asked slowling catching on to what Barry was thinking.

"I have got an idea." Barry said smirking and speeding out of the house only come back in his flash suit that was now rainbow.

"Really Dad?" Jesse said smiling and crossing her arms

"Alyssa won't have to worry about her public appearance if all the cameras are on me." Barry said proudly as Jesse shook her head and laughed

"If you say so." Jesse said laughing. She was so happy and greatful that her Dad would willingly publicly emabarrass himself for Alyssa's sake.

The moment of the ceremony came and the only person that knew about Barry's rainbow suit was Jesse, and very soon Central City was about to get a shock if a life time. They were on a distance roof top hearing everyone chant their names, there had to be at least a quater of the total population of Central City here and Barry and Jesse could tell Alyssa was nervous. Very nervous.

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