Sacrifice Comes With Life

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"Frost?" Kara asked as tears came to her eyes

"I must say i was very disappointed in you." Astra said wakling around the cornor with an evil smile on her face. Barry was infuriated and pinned Astra against the wall

"De-activate" Barry said vibrating his hand right above her chest

"Or?" She smirked knowing Barry wouldn't kill her in front of Kara

"Astra, i tried to forgive you, i really did, but this is too far you need to de-activate it." Kara pleaded

"I can't." Astra smirked

Barry grunted and punched Astra in the face as hard as he could, he felt his hand break but he managed to knock her out.

"Why aren't we effected?" August asked

"Myriad was designed to be used on everyone else besides Kryptonians, and i think your brains proces things faster so Myriad can't control it." Kara said looking down at Astra.

"We need to find it now." Barry said as they nodded and sped around Fort Rozz looking for it.

Barry sped into the main room of Fort Rozz and saw a circular device that had a pulsating light coming from it.

"Found it." Barry said as Kara and August sped in.

"How do we defuse it?" August asked as Kara shook her head sadly

"You can't." She whispered sadly

"I've got an idea." Barry said determined to save the world, again, "But you're not gonna like it." He said with a look of desperation on his face, "August take Kara and Frost out of here now." Barry said as Kara looked up at him


"I'm gonna overload it with lightning, that should destroy it." He said as jolts of lightning ran through his hands

"But, that'll create an explosion.......big enough to level Central City." August said as Barry nodded

"How are you gonna get out?" August asked as Barry had his head down, "You're not leaving are you?" He asked as Barry shook his head sadly

"I'll try, but theres a slim chance." He said as a tear ran down his cheek

"Dad, no you can't!!!" Kara cried grabbing onto his hand

"Kara, you've changed my life in ways i never thought possible, i'm sorry i'm not gonna be there for you, but know that i love you and i always will, now go live, be strong, find love and become the hero you were born to be." Barry said kneeling to her leve, "And tell your mom and sisters that i'm sorry and that i love them." Barry said kissing her forehead as August lifted her up

"NO, DAD!!!!!" Kara cried reaching for him as he smiled trying to put on a brave face.

"GO!!" Barry yelled as August sadly nodded and sped out of Fort Rozz with Frost and Kara

Once they were clear Barry closed his eyes and brought forth as much lightning as he could muster. He opened his eyes and placed his hands on Myriad causing it to start beeping rapidly

"Cait, i'm sorry." Barry whispered as he held onto the device tighter causing it to beep faster and faster, "I'm sorry i couldn't be there for you, Jesse, Alyssa, Dawn and Kara." Barry said as tears fell from his cheeks, the machine began to violently shake and spark, "This is for you." He said as he began to cry out in pain as the machine began to heat up to the point where Barry was in searing pain. He pushed through it and continued as he thought about his family, his loved ones and the people he needed to save, "Mom, i'll see you soon." He whispered before the machine reached it's boiling point

As August was running away he looked back as Fort Rozz erupted in an explosion that wiped out all it's surroundings. A tear fell from his eye as he heard the crys of Kara, begging her Dad to run out, to tell her everything was going to be ok.

"DAD!!!!" Kara cried as the dust settled revealing a massive crator where Fort Rozz once stood, and where The Flash saved the world.

August sped back to STAR Labs as the research team recovered from their mind control

"Wh-what happened?" Frost asked holding her head in pain as Kara sat on the floor with her knees to her chest, crying.

"Kara?" Jesse asked seeing her little sister sobbing uncontrollablely

"Where's Barry?" Frost asked as August looked down in sadness

"Where's Barry?!" Caitlin asked louder as Kara continued sobbing.

"He......he sacrificed himself to destory Myriad." August said as everyone in the room felt a wave of sadness.

", no, this can't be happening." Caitlin said falling to her knees as Frost hugged her

"I'm sorry Caity." Frost cried. 

Jesse and Alyssa were crying in eachothers shoulders after hearing the man that saved their lives, their father, died saving the world

"He said he was sorry." Kara whispered, but everyone heard her, "He said he loved everyone in the room." She said as she tried to stop crying and be strong for her Dad. Dawn erupted into tears somehow knowing her Dad wasn't going to come home and sing to her when she was scared, or help her with her homework, or be there in her life.

"I'm sorry i couldn't save him." August said as Caitlin shook her head

"I-it wasn't your fault." Caitlin said wiping her tears, "I just hope he's in a better place now." She said as her daughters came and hugged her tightly

"Why him?" Jesse cried.

Their tears were interrupted by the familar crackle of thunder and a spark of hope.

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