Going Away

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Jesse woke up way earlier then usual becasue today was a very special day for her and someone else.

"Alyssa wake up." Jesse said shaking her awake as she stirred in her sleep

"Five more minutes." Alyssa mumbled into her pillow

"Babe, look at the date." Jesse said smiling as Alyssa grumbled and reached for hear phone. Once she checked the date she sat up and smiled like it was Christmas morning

"Babe, this is amazaing!!!" Alyssa said kissing Jesse's cheek

"Yep, what do you wanna do to celebrate?" Jesse asked lying her head on Alyssa's shoulder

"I don't maybe we could go on a holiday, you know, just me and you, no Barry, No Caitlin and unfortunately no Kara." Alyssa said as Jesse smiled and kissed her cheek

"I'm excited already." Jesse said as they shared another kiss

"Why not me?" Kara asked from the other side of their door. They chuckled and opened the door to see a sad and frowning Kara

"KarBar, we love you but today is very special to me and Alyssa." Jesse said as Kara huugged her

"Why?" Kara asked looking up Jesse while still hugging her

"Today is our one year anniversary." Alyssa said hugging Jesse from behind and putting her chin in her shoulder.

"Really?!" Barry asked excitedly as he overheard there conversation by acciedent

"Yup." Jesse said popping her lips

"That's wonderful." Barry said engulfing them both in a hug

"It never would of happen if you had never adopted me and i'll always be greatful for that." Jesse said happily crying into his shirt

"And you never would of met me" Kara said pouting

"That would of been bad." Jesse said messing Kara's hair up a bit as Kara smiled

"I'm happy for you, Jessebear." Kara said smiling at her

"Thanks, KarBar." Jesse said as Kara smiled and ran back to her Mom

"Dad, is it okay, if me and Alyssa leave Central City for a while?" Jesse asked as Barry kissed her forehead

"Take as much time as you want, you two have earned it, especially you Alyssa, i mean having to deal with Jesse for a whole year is an achievement." Barry said laughing as Jesse slapped his chest

"It's not hard when you love her as much as i do." Alyssa said smiling

"So where you two gonna go?" He asked as they smiled

"Europe, maybe." They said smiling

"In the middle of winter?!" He asked confused

"Good luck." He said chuckling as he left the room and they laughed

"Go pack." Alyssa said slapping Jesse's ass

"I wanna say goodbye to my family, don't you?" Jesse said slightly blushing

"Of course, i'm so stupid." Alyssa said running out of the room to say goodbye 

"Woah i know you're a speedster, but slow down." Frost said as Caitlin and her made breakfast while Kara and Barry were walking Krypto and Dawn

"We have an announcement" Alyssa said excitedly as Jesse ran behind her

"Why did i think she was pregnant?" Frost said in Caitlin's head making her laugh

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