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Team Flash were sitting in the Cortex monitering the city until a 17 year old-ish girl walked in. 

"Ummmm who are you?" Cisco asked pointing his lollipop at her. 

"Uhh... Hi my name is Jesse.... Jesse Wells and i was wondering if you guys could tell me the truth about my father."

Team Flash all exchanged looks and told her everything about her Dad and Eobard Thawne. 

"So all these years i thought my Dad abandoned me but that wasn't my Dad it was actually a time traveling evil speedster from the future?" Jesse asked and Team Flash just nodded 

After the truth was out Jesse just started crying because she hated her Dad for abandoning her but  it was actually the man that killed her actual father and mother. 

"Hey, hey are you okay." Barry asked running over and rubbing her back

"It's just......why did he kill my parents?" Jesse said with tears streaming down her face. 

"He....killed your parents because he needed the Particle accelerator to explode a few years earlier." Barry explained hugging Jesse and letting her cry into his shirt 

"So he could create Me... The Flash and use my speed so he could get back to the future." Barry said pulling from the hug and wiping her tears 

"Do you have a place to stay." Caitlin asked kneeling next to Barry 

"Ummm no i haven't thought that far yet." She said cracking a fake smile. 

"You can stay with us if you want" Barry said 

"I don't want to intrude." 

"Nonsense c'mon" Caitlin said standing up 

"Kara sweetie c'mon" Barry said motioning for Kara to come with them. Instead of running over to him like she normally does she walked over which Barry fonud a bit weird. 

Once they got home Caitlin showed Jesse her room while Barry and Kara made dinner. But Barry saw Kara wasn't her normal estatic, bubbly self but she was quiet and reserved so he walked over and kelt in front of her. 

"Kara i can tell something is bothering you." Barry sair brushing some hair out of her face 

"It's okay Dad" She said but Barry could see the tears in her eyes 

"Kara, sweetie you can tell me anything." 

"Are.....Are you going to replace me." She whispered but loud enough for Barry to hear. 

"Hey, Kara look at me were not replacing you, no one can replace you Kara you should know that, you are the best daughter anyone can ask for." Barry said hugging her tightly which she returned. 

"I don't wanna be abandoned again." She admitted crying into his shoulder 

"Kara i made you a promise when you first woke up that you would never feel lonely again, i'm never gonna abandon you neither is your mom, even when i die i'm always gonna be with you." Barry said crying a bit because Kara thought that he would abandon her. 

"I love you so much Kara." He choked through his tears 

"I love you Dad." She said through her tears as well 

"Always and Forever." He said kissing her forehead as Kara nodded 

"Always and Forever" 

He smiled as he and Kara continued making dinner, but now after she dried her tears she was back to her normal bubbly self. Barry played a song on his phone and the began to sing and make dinner and laugh. Once she was settled in Jesse and Caitlin came to kitchen and saw Kara on Barry's shoulders as they sung along to the song. Jesse began to tear up as she watched them .

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