Rewind Time

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"That's way to dangerous, there is so many things that could go wrong." Barry sighed as the family sat in the living room of their house seeing as their main base of operations is destroyed.

"Dad, this is the only way we can get more cure, and besides i'm sure the Speedforce will understand," Alyssa shrugged

"Lys this what you don't get the Speedforce does not like it when speedsters break it's rules, why do you think they have time wraiths and the Black Flash?" Barry asked

"How do you suggest we get more meta-cure?" Cisco asked

"I don't know." Barry sighed, he was considering going back in time, because he was the most experienced speedster and knew how to avoid screwing up the timeline in major ways. Barry sat in silence weighing the pros and cons of this missions until he made his decision

"Fine, i'll do it." Barry sighed standing up as Jesse and Alyssa excitedly did the same, "But i specifically said i will do it, Jesse, Alyssa you two stay here." Barry pointed sa the girls sat back on the couch frowning.

"I'm sorry girls, but i need to do this alone, i can't risk the timeline more then i already am." Barry said kneeling in front of the couch, "And i can't risk you guys."

"Dad, let us come, we can protect you, we can do this together." Jesse urged

"I'm sorry Jess, but i'm not gonna risk your lives if i can keep you safe." Barry chuckled before standing up, "And no Kara you can't come either." Barry pointed out as she slouched back down on her seat.

"Barry can i talk to you for a second." Caitlin said as Barry nodded, they walked into the kitchen as the rest of the team discussed a plan.

"What's up?" Barry asked

"Can't you see that Alyssa and Jesse just want to spend time with their hero, their father?" Caitlin asked making Barry sigh

"I know, but Cait, you know how dangerous this is, if i can keep Alyssa and Jesse out of harms way that's what i'm going to do." Barry said

"Barr, you can't always keep them out of danger, they're superheros and damn good ones at that, they just want to help and right now they probably feel useless." Caitlin said 

"Cait, i normally end up nearly dying everytime i time travel, i just want to make sure that Alyssa and Jesse don't have to pay the price when the Speedforce gets angry." Barry said tearily

"I know Barr, i'm sorry, just please think about it." Caitlin said as they shared a loving hug

"Dad, you can't always protect us." Jesse said walking into the kitchen having heard their conversation

"I know, but i need to, i can't lose anyone else." Barry said as Jesse smiled warmly at her father before taking him into a hug

"I love you Dad, and i promise you'll be there to walk me or Alyssa down the aisle, and you'll be there to walk Kara down the aisle and you'll be there to walk Dawn down the aisle." Jesse said hugging her Dad tightly 

"Soooooooo?" Caitlin asked as Barry pulled from the hug and smiled

"We'll leave in 5." Barry said as Jesse jumped in joy

"You're the best Dad, i promise you won't regret it." Jesse said running to get Alyssa

"Thanks Barr." Caitlin said smiling

"No problem Cait." Barry said as she smiled and gave him a loving kiss


"Be careful." Kara said waving as they walked into the Particle Accelerator

"We will sweetie, you guys need to be careful as well." Barry said taking Kara into a hug then kissing Caitlin's forehead

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