Chapter 17

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"I Don't know where to even start."

I feel a smack to the back of my head, "OW! What the hell Fallon!?" If it was anyone else I would have punched then but not her, even though she deserved it.

"Bitch I know you didn't just say that dumb shit! You were with him for over two days!! You went to the beach!! He helped you!! I need the details!!!"

Grumbling to myself I gather my thoughts and begin, "Well after the library I was walking home when it was raining and he almost ran me over, then he realized it was me and basically kidnapped me to his house. And his house is so amazing!!! It was like a fairy tale. I showered and he got me clothes and after I fell asleep. Later it was movie time where we stayed up. Then I had a nightmare and he comforted me. We overslept and SOMEHOW you convinced him and me to go to the beach. And we spend the whole day having so much fun."

I look at Fallon with a smile on my face, seeing her expression matching mine. "So... what now?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "Nothing."

I feel another smack to the head "OW! Fallon what the fuck is wrong with you!?" I exclaim.

"Girl I'm trying to knock some sense into your dumbass!!? You mean to tell me you meet this amazing hot piece of dangerous booty and you going to just do nothing!?
I nod.

"WHAT!? WHY!?"

I shrug, "It doesn't matter Fallon! He is just some guy! Probably wants a quick fuck and that's me! It doesn't even matter because everyone leaves Fallon! Everyone leaves me and this Earth anyways so why should I care or give a fuck!?" I am now screaming in the car and flinging my arms around erratically.

Fallon's face softens "Oh hunny." She pulls me in a big, warm hug as a few tears escape from my eyes. "If it doesn't matter then what do you have to lose?"

Her question makes me stiffen. I never thought of that. The moment is quick, my thoughts fleeting instantly. For a second I think why not? But its crushed immediately. I'm broken. I have so much baggage, no one can deal with that. No one can love me, as they are right to. I'm a terrible person and I cant have anything come close to me because I'm filled with darkness. Filled with rage, depression, anxiety, sadness, anger and weakness. Fallon has a point; if it does not matter then what do I have to lose? But what she doesn't understand and I won't tell her is that it is not worth it, letting someone in, someone like Tyler is not worth it because I am worthless.

Pulling away from Fallon I look her in the eyes "Forget it Fal, I don't want to talk about it."

She sighs wanting to go further but instead puts the car in drive and leaves it be. For that I am grateful.

Tyler Pov: The night after he drops off Spencer.

Driving lets me think over the last few days. If someone told me that I would almost run over this girl and then procced to spend two whole days with her I would punch that fucker in the face.


But here I am.

Thinking about her, Spencer.

God even her name is fucking hot.

I roll my lip ring in my mouth, thinking, wondering.

Somethings with her, man. Something about her smile.

I see the darkness in her. It consumes her soul. Traumatizes her life.

I want to know her. Be around her. Always.

But I can't.

I can't let anyone close.

I'm evil, and she deserves good.

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