Chapter 21

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In that exact moment time stopped. As cheesy as this is it's the truth. I feel weightless with his lips on mine, his other arm wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to his warm body, something that I surprisingly did not mind. I couldn't tell when we finally broke apart, it could've been a few seconds, a couple minutes, or hours because that's what it felt like. Taking a moment to gather myself my mind starts going in all different directions. Why did I do that? Why did he do that??

"fuck yea, angel." Tyler grunts out.

I whip my head towards him, "Excuse me???"

"Been wanting to kiss those lips since day one."

To say I'm shocked is an understatement, "uh.. what?" is all I can manage to get out.

"Yea, you said I have nice eyes." He says teasing me.

My cheeks turn red in embarrassment of the memory. Muttering under my breath 'well you do' I hope he didn't hear me but by his expression I can tell that I am not so lucky. I let out a laugh as he does the same. I notice that when he laughs his eyes look blue and I see his smile lines. He looks so beautiful, so calm and happy and he makes me feel calm and happy. Pulling me close I notice he runs his hands up my arms, feeling my scars. I feel vulnerable and insecure, but his arms draw me in.

"Tell me bout them? Please angel?"

I know what he is asking. I mean of course he is asking about the scars, but I know the weight that the question carries. I know the pain and misery behind all of them, they are apart of me, of who I am, and my story. I'm not sure what to do. I was always taught and told to never tell anyone, to be ashamed and guarded, not letting anyone close. But in this moment, there is a new voice egging me on. Telling me its okay, that he will believe me. And I decide what the hell? Maybe he will believe me. So, with a deep breath I let it all out. All the pain, all that misery, into the ears of the bad boy.

"Most of these are from my mom. She has a really firm grip you know. So, when she grabs and pulls me, she leaves marks." Moving slightly, I lift my shirt to show the scars all over, "These kind of get confusing because there are so many. But this side is from the car wreck... it didn't kill me, but it took the most important person from me and ruined my life, I wish it was me who dies that day..." Shaking off the dark thoughts I continue on not being able to stop, "These here on this side is from a very bad man... he didn't like when I would try and fight him off of me... and lastly these few on my thighs are from me... I figured is everyone else gets to leave their marks on me than I should too."

I don't realize it, but I have tears streaming down my cheeks. All the pain, anger and grief I have felt is slowly bubbling over and I'm losing it quickly. I feel old memories and scenes play out in front of me. Balling up I start sobbing again hard. I'm so emotional lately I don't know what it is! But almost like he knew Tyler wrapped his arms around me and let me cry. And cried I did. I cried until his shirt was soaked in my drool and snot (nice going). I had never talked to anyone about any of these things but yet I do with him, I simply can't help it.

Lifting my head, I sniffed and wiped my tears, cringing at his shirt which held a distinct wet stair on it.

"Sorry about the shirt."

"Don't worry bout it." He said dismissively. "You're strong Spencer."

To that I let out a loud laugh. Strong? Me? No. he's mistaken. I'm weak. Broken. Shattered. I am far from strong. He has is all wrong.

"You are though. I don't know anyone who could go through an ounce of what you have been through and be half as smart, kind, caring, and strong as you. For real."

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