Chapter 19

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Spencer's POV:

I'm mad. But I am not exactly sure why. Which makes me get even more upset. I know I feel slighted because he didn't text. But, why? Why does it matter? Why is it important? I'm mad at the stupid smirk on his face. I'm mad that I got caught up in him. My mother always said that I'm unlovable why did I think there was a chance? I mean my own dad left me with this monster because my brother died, and it was all my fault. I'm mad that Mac's best friend is him. That boy. The boy who has consumed my every thought for over the past few days. I'm mad that I want to touch him, I'm mad that my body is drawn to him. His very scent is unnerving me, and fucks with my head. I don't like it one bit.

Of course, he chooses to sit next to me, our elbows bumping into one another and thighs are touching (which is just about the only thing I can focus on at this very moment.) We both eat in silence with a looming, indescribable tension that both our respective friends take note of. Fallon gives me subtle looks of worry and confusion between the weird vibe me and Tyler or giving off, especially since she just found everything out during the car ride this morning. She keeps nudging me which pushes me closer to Tyler and every time we come into contact with each other my skin zaps with electricity, making me shoot Fallon dirty looks the whole time. Eventually she gives up and focuses her attention on Mac.

While I am distracted Tyler brings his fork down on my plate and takes a bite of my pancakes.


Alright, I think, game on Tyler.

"What the hell?" I say shooting daggers in his eyes.

Tyler slowly chews and then swallows. "Mmm those are good, babe."

I stare at him for a moment trying to sort through my mixed bag of emotions. Blinking a few times, and say, "Dude what the hell is your freaking problem?"

"My problem!? What the hell is yours!?"

I'm shocked. "Oh, you want to know what my problem is? My problem is you! What the hell is your deal? You are so arrogant, egotistical and self-centered! You are rude, ill-tempered and have zero manners!! Your mean and you think the world is yours and you can just take whatever you want with zero consequences all because 'your Tyler fucking Madden'! but that's not how real life works for real people in the real world. So, there are consequences for your actions AND inactions."

Looking at him while I rant, I can see the angry, hurt, and confusion on his face. Fallon is looking at me with her mouth dropped, and Mac just looks utterly confused. In a flash I am being yanked out of the seat and dragged out by Tyler.

"Ow!Ow! What the hell STOP IT!"

When we are outside and off in a corner, he pushes me against the building but not enough to hurt me and drops his hands.

"I am only going to do this one time, so listen to me very closely. What. The. Fuck. Is. Going. On. I have done everything right and tried to make you feel comfortable at all times. I am not doing this back and forth shit so tell me what is wrong, and I will fix it."

For some reason I get even happier at the fact that he is trying. And it doesn't hurt that he is so freaking hot. Which makes me mad all over again. God, what is wrong with me?

"I- I don't know..." All the confidence I had inside dissipates with him so close to me.

He furrows his eyebrows, "What do you mean, Spencer?"

"I-I-You never texted!" My eyes widen. Really Spenc?? That's what I'm mad about! Jesus Christ, I'm so pathetic. With the overwhelming feeling of embarrassment taking over I try and dash out from under Tyler to get away. But he must have predicted me trying to leave and held his hands on my sides keeping me rooted in place. All I can focus on is his hands, one of them traveling up my side reaching to my neck and pulling me in, and then without warning his lips are on mine.

And we are kissing. And kissing.

He bends down as I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer into me. He nips my lip and I moan reaching to run my hands through his hair. In this very moment everything changed. I knew I couldn't walk away from him, not after the explosion that just happened between us. I was addicted and Tyler freaking Madden was my drug.

Pulling away both our breathing is heavy and labored, my lips feel raw and his look tinted red. He reaches out and pulls out a brand new looking phone. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as he tilts my head to look at him.

"The old one broke over the weekend. Just got this one. I haven't even switched out the SD card yet. I woulda texted."

I feel so stupid and silly and I nod slowly. "Oh, okay then. Wait how did it break?"

His eyes go dark and I can feel him build a wall, I place my hand to his chest and smile slightly when I can feel it racing like mine does when I'm around him, "Please tell me. I wont judge."

He sighs and looks away, "Broke it. Got angry."

My eyes widen a bit, it defiantly takes a lot of anger to break a phone, but I sense he is ashamed so to hopefully give some comfort I squeeze his hand.

He turns to me and smiles, "Come with me."

"Where?" I ask.

"Surprise. Please."

I roll my eyes, "Our friends though?"
He spins me around and looking to the street I see our friends Fallon and Mac starring at us with mouths dropped. My mouth goes dry and I burry my face into his chest. I can't help to notice how good this boy smells. I feel his chest vibrate with laughter and I lift my head as we walk towards them.

"Gonna steal her for a bit." He says addressing Fallon.

"You better take care of her, if she comes back with a single scratch im going to cut off your balls and feed them to you, got that?" Fallon says psychotically.

My eyes widen, "Fallon!"

Tyler sticks his hand out "You have my word. And if I ever hurt her in anyway you have the right to kill me. Deal?"

Fallon then shakes hands as they make some weird pact. My eyes widen and I look over to Mac who just has a relaxed expression and a soft, reassuring smile. I say bye to Fallon and Mac and Tyler leads me to his car, even opening the door and shutting it softly. With a smile he starts the car and we are off on a journey.



BOOM!!! It happened!! I know its not the longest  but things are gonna start getting interesting and you will start to learn more about Tyler and Spencer, and I cant wait to write what I have in store!

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