Chapter 25

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Spencer's POV:


Perfect timing because I hear the shower turn off. Gathering my stuff, I click the button for the elevator and nervously wait. Come on, come on, who has a fucking elevator instead of a front door??!


Oh, thank God. Rushing inside I press the button labeled 'G' for garage. Reaching the floor, the elevator doors open, and I see Fallon's car.

Hopping in I simply say, "Ihop?"

To which she replies, "Of course girl." And speeds off to get pancakes.

During the ride she doesn't ask any questions, which I'm grateful for but I know she will bring it up when we eat. But for now, we jam to music and leave it alone.

In the restaurant we order and then start eating. After a tense few minutes Fallon speaks up, "So, What happened after I dropped you off?"

I look down at my food, "I feel so stupid Fal, I really do."

She reaches over and grabs my hand, "Babes, you know I would never judge, I'm your best friend! Please let me help."

"I just didn't want to go inside you know. I knew as soon as I walked in those doors' id be sad again. And I was happy, I didn't want to be sad again, so I called Tyler to pick me up and he did. I didn't know he had that place. Oh my God Fallon you should have seen it! He has all those fancy cars I talk about and that's his PRIVATE garage and the elevator goes straight to his house! Its so cool and intimidating. He smokes weed too; it was in his place. But it was fine, or at least I thought it was but when we woke up, he was all weird. I can't stop replaying it in my head."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know how to explain it. He just got super intimidating and close to me."

"Did he hurt you?"


"But you felt uncomfortable?"

"Yea, I felt all clammy, I had to get out of there Fallon. I don't know what it was, but I had to leave."

"Oh babe, I'm glad you left and called me to pick you up. You did good. Listen I know I kinda pushed you with Tyler but maybe put some distance between you guys okay?"

The thought of that burns my throat, I swallow, "You think?"

Fallon nods, "Yea just for a bit. Just see what happens, okay?"
I nod, "Okay. Thanks/"

We pay and leave, on our way to the car my phone rings. Looking at the number I hold my breath and give Fallon the look. Fuck.

I answer it.


"Where the fuck are you?"


"You bitch!! You were supposed to go food shopping and I come home to no food and no more wine?? Get your ass to the store and get me some food now!!"

She hangs up.

Fallon looks at me worried and I just sigh, "Hey can we go to Walmart? She needs food and wine apparently."

"Ugh fuck her Spence seriously."

"I know Fallon, please?"

"Yeah yeah, lets go."

At Walmart we goof off and shop for food. With everything we bought the car was packed. Since mom if home I have to cook for her, but I think I'm a really good cook and love experimenting with flavors and making interesting meals.

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