Chapter 7

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*Picture of room at the end of chapter*

Somehow through my long and stressful day, exhaustion swept over me like a wave as I dozed off in practically strangers car listening to the rain coming down. It seemed all too soon I was being jostled awake by Tyler.

"We are here. Stay here while I come around with the umbrella." Still quite sleepy I nod. As he gets out of the car I rub my eyes and wipe the drool off my cheek. Ugh, how embarrassing. Quickly Tyler is at my side, opening the car door and holding the umbrella enough so I can get out. He shouts over the loud rain and thunder to follow him quickly. We sprint across to his front door soaking wet despite the umbrella. As he fumbles to open the door I survey the area and although I can't see more than two feet ahead of me I know I am in the ritzy part of town. Figures. Wait till I tell Fallon all about this! Startled out of my thought I'm ushered inside the house with Tyler. We both let out a sigh of relief to be in a light, dry and safe place.

"I'll go get some towels and then you can use the shower if you want." I nod not knowing what to say. As he leaves me alone at the entrance I can't help but admire his beautiful home. There are beautiful marble floors that shine so bright I can see my reflection in them. The walls are a cream color with vaulted ceilings and intricate crown molding. There is a gigantic sparkly chandelier hanging that gives me great Gatsby vibes. The chandelier is the centerpiece and focus that leads your eye to the double spiral staircase with reminds me of the one from Clueless making me instantly jealous. There seems to be both an east wing and west wing as well as an upstairs. I feel so small in the big house and I immediately want to go exploring but I don't feel comfortable enough to. Shortly after I am done admiring the palace Tyler comes back with several towels to dry our selfs off with. Simply not able to contain myself any longer I all but shout to Tyler "You have a beautiful home!!" Cringing at my awkwardness I hear Tyler chuckle.

"Thanks. My... guardian is an interior designer for a living so it's all her."

"Wow that's so cool. Are um your parents home?" I ask truly curious because I would want to prepare myself in meeting another human looking like a drowned rat sloshing around. Tyler's features display a strange emotion as he answers me.

"No. Parents aren't home" His sudden hard tone takes me back and I wonder what it means. I think he can sense my confusion, so he tries to deter the conversation "leaves us plenty of time alone" even though his smirk and wink tell me that he is joking his eyes tells me a different story. Shaking it off I give him a pointed look and stoic laugh. After we are dry enough to not leave puddles all over he leads me up the stairs as I silently relish having a princess moment. He opens an all matte black door, the only one in the house and leads me to a huge room.

"Welcome to my fortress!" He exclaims dorkily. I laugh and assess the area. There is low, soft, recessed lighting along the wall that has a bunch of panels that look like entries to other areas. A big King size bed with a black shaggy carpet under it that is pushed up against a black wall that looks soft like a cushion and has all these little holes in it. On the same wall there is these big cubes that change colors and look like they have a purpose. On the opposite wall there looks to be a really high-tech entertainment system equipped with multiple gaming consoles and a huge ass TV. There is also a desk and chair that looks to be the dumping grounds for all his stuff (we all have one right?) Surprisingly his room is pretty clean and his bed is made. I quickly run up to all the games seeing my dream collection and set up. I have a big stupid grin on my face muttering to myself things like 'woah!' 'so cool!' 'omg! Lucky' I hear a chuckle behind me bringing me back to reality. I drop the game I was holding feeling like I did something wrong because he is laughing at me.

""Erm- S-sorry. I didn't mean to touch all your stuff." I stutter out an apology for reasons I don't know why.

Tyler rolls his eyes as he replies "Stop apologizing all the time. I take it you like the set up?"

"Like it!?!?" I burst with exuberance. "I love it! This is so amazing!! I am pretty sure this is the coolest thing I have ever seen." He chuckles at my silliness shaking his head.

"Wanna see something even cooler? I think you will appreciate it." Curious and excited I get up from my spot forgetting all about the games as he takes his phone out and places it in one of the weird color changing boxes on the black wall. He gives me a look that says 'watch this' as I wait for expectedly for something to happen. Suddenly the whole room shakes. The wall is vibrating with music!?! It's a familiar song and as I realize that the "wall" is actually one big soundproof speaker set up and the boxes are the docs my eyes widen. 'this is the coolest thing ever!!!' I whisper yell bobbing my head to the beat. He removes the phone from the box as I spring into action.

"Omg, forget the games that is awesome!! I heard about a company in Tokyo that made a smaller version of this in a hotel but never like this. I was wondering what the wall and weird cubbies were for. I felt the whole house shake and move! Is it Bluetooth? Can it connect to wifi?? How does it work?!?" by now I'm by the wall next to him trying to figure it all out as I here him chuckle.

"My uh... father is business partners and friends with the creator of the one in Tokyo so the guy made one for me. It took months to build and install and its connected to my own router on my desk because of how big it is. Yes, its Bluetooth, I love this thing. The cubbies as you call them are wireless docs that charge my phone, play music, and I can use the wall and one big touch screen panel. The controls are over here." He points to his right where I see a bunch of buttons like play, pause, and volume controls as well as some others.

"Tyler!" I slap his arm "This is the coolest thing ever!" he laughs again.

"I'm glad you enjoy it angel. However, I think we need to wash up and have some food, yeah?"

"Can we please come back here after?" I say widening my eyes and putting on a big pout. As a stare up at him I wonder what the hell I'm doing. I haven't been this excited over anything in a very long time. It is a foreign feeling and at that exact moment I look up with Tyler staring straight at me.

"Haha sure angel if you want to. I got to say its not usually my cool tech that makes the girls wanting to come back." He leans in close to my ear whispering the last part. I can feel his hot breath tickle my neck as I shiver. From the cold though. Ignoring his 'angel' comment he leans up.

"Come on let me get you a towel." As quickly as he was there he was gone making me wonder if it actually happened. As I feel my cheeks though I know it definitely did.

Oh no. This is going to be a long night. 

*Edited from original* 

I added this picture I found online to help you guys picture what his bedroom kind of looks like

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I added this picture I found online to help you guys picture what his bedroom kind of looks like. I couldn't find an exact replica because I just made it up. Hopefully the picture helps but of course you can picture it however you want.  Let me know your thoughts and please vote, comment , add! Next chapter things heat up. Literally ;) 

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