Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

The warehouse.

The bright white sign flashed in front of me and Fallon flickering on and off. I was here. Finally here. Its been awhile. But here I am. Walking towards the big old seedy bar in the heart of town. The warehouse was exactly that, an old warehouse building converted in a massive 3 story bar (plus an extra 2 stories underground that not many people knew of). Each floor had a different theme and vibe with there own dance floor, massive bars with different drinks and food items that were pretty good. I haven't been here in a while, but it definitely felt exhilarating and I couldn't wait to let lose for once.

Getting out of the car me and Fallon took several pictures of each other and then walked across the street. The line was really long especially it was a weekend night. Me and Fallon didn't even bother waiting in line. We knew everyone here. Going to the front of the line I see its Cole managing the line, Fallon gives me a wink as I take the lead.

"Cole! Hey!"

"Oh, My isn't it my lucky day! How you doing Spencer?"

"Im good Cole! You?"

"Missed your pretty face around here."

I blushed as Fallon chuckles, "Well we're here now."

"My lucky night. You two head in, have fun Spencer, Fallon."

We both thanked him and walked in. immediately is was a sensory overload with the music and lights. Fallon pulled me to the bar and ordered two drinks while I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Ms. Kat-"

"I know they are for you. One of us has to get wasted and since it cant be me its definitely going to be you."

I laughed, "oh babe if you wanted to take me home you coulda just said so." I down my first and move to the second.

I hear her chuckle and then says, "No but I think that's his job."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I look at her in confusion while she points off to my right shoulder. Spinning around I see Tyler in a crisp black shirt and black pants, with his classic doc Martins. Oh boy. He approaches sitting down on the other side of me, I can feel his heat radiating off of him sending weird feelings everywhere. He looks at me and smiles. Not like that stupid smirk he does, no. a smile, a big grin plastered across his face with cute dimples and all. Oh boy.

"Gotta say angel, Red is definitely a gorgeous color on you."

Oh boy.

I blush, "Thanks." I send him a smile.

"So, What cha drinkink angel."

I raise me glass "Iced pear Vodlka."

I can tell he is surprised by how his eyebrow shoots up. "Damn. Alright then."

He flags down the bartender Chad and gets whiskey and another drink for me. Chad looks at me and smiles.

"Hey Spence."

"Hey there Chad. How's your night?"

"Can't complain. Good to see you." He knocks his fist on the bar twice and goes to make my drink.

"You know I can feel you burning a hole in my head right." I say turning to look at Tyler. "

"You know him?"

"Yea, that's Chad."

"Damn, so you know about Carl's on 21st street and apparently everyone here.."

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