Chapter 6

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The whole way to his house I have a deep scowl etched on my face. While I admit that yes, this is a very nice Mercedes that has seat warmers and everything my heart is pounding in my chest so loud I am surprised if he can't hear it. I am still mad but mostly utterly confused. Thoughts are whirling in my head at such a fast rate that I'm getting dizzy. What does he want? How dare he tell me what to do and man handle me!? But most of all the biggest question I am asking myself is why? Why would he want to help me? Why did he? Does he pity me? With all these thoughts floating I rub my head and lean down in the seat groaning.

"Are you still cold?" Asks the voice of the consuming thoughts that I have. Immediately remembering where I am, back in reality makes my deep scowl come back. When I don't answer him back he sighs and turns to me.

"You know you could at least try and be... I don't know? Nice? Grateful?"

At his cockiness I snap.

"Oh, I am so terribly sorry! I forgot to bow down to my savior! My knight in shining armor! Never mind the fact that I didn't need nor want your help and told you no! You picked me up and dragged me against my will like some doll! In case you haven't noticed I am a perfectly capable girl who you should listen to when she says NO N-O. Now let me tell you something Tyler, I don't need you or want your help. I'm not some pretty, new thing that you can keep, collect and throw away when you get bored. I have lived 17 years doing just fine and I don't need some slim ball douche like you who wants a distraction from your sad, pathetic, miserable, boring life to come in mine and wreak havoc!!!" By the end of my rant I'm panting like crazy after saying all that in one breath. As I look back at Tyler I can see a range of emotions across his face, all lasting a mere fraction of a second. I see humor, anger, hurt, chaos, sorrow, pain, confusion, and the same signature Tyler smirk.

Quietly I hear him say "You were walking in the middle of the night in a thunderstorm. What was I supposed to do?" I hear him take a long breath and blow out before continuing "Maybe I could have handled it better, but I was not going to leave you."

My features softening, realizing that maybe, just maybe he was trying to do the right thing. I mean could he have handled it better, yeah absolutely but this was also the guy that less than six hours ago beat another person to a pulp. I realized that he didn't mean to hurt me, he doesn't know what I've been through, only Fallon does. WIth a deep sigh I respond "Okay, just... don't touch me again. I don't like it; and don't tell anybody about this! God forbid I need more rumors. " Immediately I cringed. Really? Why would you say that? I see confusion on his face before he tells me "I promise not to touch you unless you say it's okay." With a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows I give him a soft, amused laugh.

"That would never happen."

"EH- never say never angel."

For some weird and strange unexplained reason, I feel... not exactly safe but perhaps just calm - for the first time in a really long time.

*Edited from original* 

If you seen the first version you will notice some changes. Thoughts ??

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