Chapter 5

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After the betrayal of Ms. M I headed out to my locker where Fallon was standing.

As I placed my books in my locker we headed to the car.

I don't like to drive, not anymore at least; so I always let Fallon drive. Our first stop is the local sandwich shop where we get our food and coffee's. Then we head to the library where we can do our work without dealing with anything else.

We talk about school and assignments until it's dark and the librarian makes us leave.

Fallon and I part ways since I like to walk home, and she sleeps elsewhere.

"See you tomorrow?"

"Don't wake up late or else I will leave you!"

"Oh, I'm shuddering" I bite back waving bye to her fleeting image.

Walking home is nice, I have always like it. It beats going back home to a place and darkness and doom. Slowly I drag my feet closer to the inevitable when out of the bright blue sky I feel it. Rain. Almost instantaneously I'm drenched head to toe. I make a run for it, hoping to get home before I get hypothermia; or get picked up in the strong winds, whichever comes first. As I'm running across the street I don't notice the car until its almost right in front of me. Quickly I rush to the sidewalk while the car honks its horn.


I say although it's impossible to hear anything much less my little apology.

As my eyes adjusts to the bright headlights I can see a figure step out of the car with an umbrella.

Uh what? Jesus if this is a serial killer I will be so freaking pissed. I think, looking up.

"Uh-Spencer?" The mystery voice says. I furrow my eyebrows recognizing this distant, but calming voice although I can't quite place it. As the elusive figure emerges from the shadow of the umbrella and walks closer to me I see that it's Tyler. What's he doing here? Better yet, what's he doing?

"Erm, hey- I'm sorry! I didn't see you there." By now I am a blubbering mess. I'm wet, I'm cold, I'm scared, its dark, and I just want to sleep.

"What are you doing in the rain??" Tyler says ignoring my apologies.

"Walking home." I say as a big crack of thunder booms causing me to jump just a little bit. I see him walking closer to me until both of us are under the umbrella. He is so close to me that I can see my breath and sense his warmth. His arm raises making me wince and his palm in touching me. In surprise I let out a small whimper. Oh god I'm so stupid. His calloused hand slowly cups my cheek as his thumb grazes over my lips. Um what does he think he is doing? He seems to be in sort of a trance looking at me while running his thumb on my lower lip. Just as a am ready to punch him in the face his hands shoot to his sides in a flash leading me to wonder what the fuck was that.

"Come on your freezing! I'll take you to my house to get warmed up." Well I didn't expect that. I'm thoroughly confused and oddly nervous. For a second, I don't know how to respond. I barely know this guy! Now he was inviting me over to his place? Why? What is his motive? What does he want? If he is looking for a lay I know he absolutely will not be getting it from me; and if he thinks he is then he has another thing coming. I sound cynical because I am. No one does anything without having a motive to screw you over. I know because that's the great lesson in life- it's what I learned, it's all that I know.

"Umm, no thanks. I'm good really. Just heading home." There, now he knows and will leave me alone.

As I am about to step out of the umbrella and face the rain I hear a strong and assertive


Wait what?

"I'm not leaving you in the middle of a storm, a very bad one; while you are freezing, wet, and have to walk." By now he is shaking his head like he can't believe me.

"Now you can either willingly get into my car, I drive to my house where you can dry off, get cleaned, and ride out the storm until it's safe weather for me to drive you back home; or I put you over my shoulder kicking and screaming. You chose." By the end I'm dumbstruck. Who does he think he is!?! I'm not some damsel that needs saving! By now I'm angry and ready to give him a piece of my mind.

"Are you fucking crazy!? Who do you think you are, ordering me around?! You don't own me! I'm doing fine without your help; I don't need nor want ANY of your help! I'm not some damn charity case and you are sure as hell not getting in my pants so leave me alone goddamnit!" by the time I'm finished with my rant and I turn around prepared to leave I hear Tyler under his breath.

"Suit yourself."

Without any warning in hoisted up hanging upside down.

"Hey!! What are you doing?!? Let me down you dumbass!!" I'm beating on his back and kicking whilst screaming in his ear. The next thing I know I hear a car door open and I'm placed gently in a seat. I see Tyler round the car into the driver's seat. Before I could even reach the door handle I hear the click of the lock. I swivel looking at Tyler with a stunned look which is met with a smirk; I return it giving him a deep scowl.

Oh joy. 

* Edited from original* 

OOhh Spencer is going to Tyler's house?!? What do we think will happen?? Leave your thoughts!

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