Chapter 13- Friends? Friends.

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Tyler was right; when we pulled up to the beach it was deserted, not a soul in sight. He gets out a bag from the back saying he will find us a spot and to look for him when I'm done with changing. As we part, me going to a changing room Tyler to the sand I can't help but sneak a quick peak at Tyler's disappearing figure thinking wow, even when he is a blurry dot in my vision he is undeniably hot. Shaking my head, I step in a private room to change. Slipping off my clothes I pull out my white and black stripped one piece sending a quiet thank you to Fallon I change quickly and pull my long black hair in a messy ponytail not caring about bumps I pick up my clothes and slip out to find Tyler. Eyes squinting at the bright sun I look around for Tyler. When I spot him I first notice that he doesn't have a shirt on. Oh, boy is it glorious. How could someone be that hot?? Lord, help me. Taking a deep breath, I walk towards him feeling the soft hot sand in between my toes. Midway he notices me; I see his jaw continuously clenching and unclenching, I can't see his eyes because he has his sunglasses on but what I do see are his tattoo's littered gingerly on his body. Oh, Jesus Christ this boy. I feel the heat of his eyes on me, moving from my feet to my face ever slowly. I start to feel uncomfortable, so I pick on the scars on my arm; a nervous habit of mine. His eyes finally meet mine starring straight at me gulping and not knowing what to say I stumble out a meek

"Uh h-hi."

Cringing on the inside I see him smirking patting a towel next to him I huff plopping myself down. Shamelessly starring at him I observe his multiple tattoos. He has a sun on the left peck and a moon on the right, on his heart there is a heartbeat saying 'and so it goes on', a bright bunch of dead roses on the right side of his abs, his back is turned from me but I can make out what looks like angel wings on his shoulder blades and a thick, intricate tree design which had roots going to his 'V' of his hips, he has an anchor on his right calf saying "don't forget where you came from" on the other calf he has another anchor in the shape of a lion saying "remember who you are", he has other small designs and patterns inked on him but I have already starred at him for too long and he has noticed.

"See anything you like angel?"

Mouth going dry in embarrassment I make a quick excuse.

"Um, isn't that from the lion king" pointing at the loin with the quote on it.


"Cool" I say nodding, I take my arm pulling a stray hair out of my face, another nervous habit when suddenly I hear a sharp intake of breath and a calloused hand gripping my arm.

Starring at Tyler in surprise I look at my arm trying to see why he is gripping it so hard. Looking at what he seeing I sign knowingly; oh, that. He sees my scars which are up and down the inside of my forearm, there are all in different stages of healing, the main thick line is covered with smaller, thin, angry lines.


Tyler growls in a low tone making me know that he is serious although I don't know why it matters to him.

"U-um n-nobody" Wow I have to work on my stuttering I don't even believe myself.

Tyler grips my wrist harder pulling my arm and me with it studying it closer. He uses his other hand to lift my chin to look at him.

"Tell me who hurt you, I swear to god they will pay with I slow and painful death I will make them beg-"

Cutting my off I whip my arm out of his vice grip "Tyler! No body hurt me Jesus Christ what's wrong with you!??"

Starring at Tyler he has a clenched jaw and furrowed brows while his eyes search mine, looking for something. It's a bit unnerving making me uncomfortable. I somehow gather enough strength to stand up saying

"I'm going in the water, you coming?"

After a hesitated second Tyler stands, nodding.

I take off running partly to get away from his and this awkward conversation and also to get in the cool, crystal blue water that I love.

Diving in the water I submerge my head underwater eyes closed, letting the water fill my ears. Underwater it's so quiet and serene. I feel the stings of my painful memories etched on my skin; although not like Tyler. I wish I could forget, to be happy but I know its my punishment for the pain I have caused to people I love. The one place I feel like that I could be happy at (not that I deserve it) is in the ocean, or really any other body of water; I love the feeling and freedom of swimming. The need for oxygen is prevalent so I swim to the top, popping my head about the water seeing Tyler's worried face trying to find me. Waving him over he dives in the water swimming towards me. He is in front of me in a second.


"Hey" suddenly I'm out of breath, not even able to form a coherent sentence let alone a coherent thought.

"I was worried, I didn't see you pop up in a while."

"Yeah, I have an unnatural ability to hold my breath for a long time."

Nodding at me he grabs my hand-this time not aggressively.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I just- I don't know but the thought of someone hurting you made me so angry. You don't deserve that, angel, I get if you don't want to talk about it though."

Tucking my hand behind my back I nod. I don't get why he gets so protective sometimes. or when he gets mean and rude for no reason like back at the restaurant. In my head alarm bells are going off whenever I am around Tyler. But in my heart... something else is there.

"It's okay. I just don't like to talk about it- anything really. But I get it; if someone hurt you I would freak too."

Tyler looks at me confused "You would freak?"

"Yeah like, you don't deserve to get hurt either."

Throwing his head back laughing I stare at him bewildered sinking deeper in the water not liking how he laughs at me. I see him whisper something under his breath which sounds like 'fucking perfect' but I could be wrong.

In a split second I feel strong hands gripping my waist pulling me towards a hard chest I try to wiggle out of his grip because I don't like being touched but Tyler wont let up. Tyler is looking down at me with his mouth by my ear making me shiver feeling his hot breath. He says nothing for a bit as we just float on the water with his hands on my hips. In this moment time doesn't exist- just us.

"Why would you ever freak about someone hurting me angel? You don't even know me"

It's a valid question but in reality, I don't know. Why do I care? Why should I?? Thinking long and hard about what I should say takes me a while as I mull over what and how to say it.

"Well, you're right. I don't know you, not really anyways but, I do know that you're nice and you have helped me out so much the last couple days which in my eyes makes us some resembles as friends and I would never want to see a friend get hurt."

The only way I can describe Tyler's eyes in this moment is 'twinkle' as I look up at him he has this calm expression that makes his sharp features look at ease. I feel his hands get lower on my body in a teasing manner.

"Friends huh?"

Oh boy.

Laughing at his innuendo I expertly wiggle my way out of his grasp and because I'm oh so awkward I just my hand out to his chest, so he can shake it. What are you doing Spencer?!?

"Wow you really are something else Spencer." He says laughing at my quirkiness he takes my hand giving me a firm hand shake as you would in a business deal. Still holding my hand, he plunges us both under water and into the deep abyss.


Hi guys! Sorry this has taken awhile cuz im in school . This chapter is pretty long and is the first one with an official title!! Vote, comment, share 


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