Chapter 12

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Tyler opened the door for me walking into IHOP. That was right after I finished a rant about gender norms and how they are all carefully constructed by men to put down women. Starring at his goofy grin while holding the door for me. Rolling my eyes drawing a deep scowl on my face I jabbed him hard in the ribs making him let out an 'oof.' Sitting, looking over the menu we didn't talk both trying to figure out what we wanted.

"Hi my name is Kyle and I'll be serving you today."

My ears peaking up to the voice I turned my head with a wide grin plastered on my face.


Hearing my voice Kyle looks down and then quickly smiles.

"Spencer! Hey there stranger, long time no see huh?"

"Haha yeah I know. Sorry I've been a bit MIA for a while. Life, you know?"

Kyle knew all about what happened. He was always a good guy with a kind heart; he tried to help me at first but after shutting him out, and me acting recklessly he gave up. I don't blame him, I mean if I was him I would have left as soon as he found out. I regret how it ended but I know I deserved it; no one should have to love me or be around me.

Kyle gives me a knowing and sad smile he places is hand over mine giving it a little squeeze. There is an abrupt grunt from Tyler making us both turn our heads to the source.

"Can we order now?"

With that the moment is ruined with Tyler's rudeness. Kyle stares at us, his eyes darting back and forth while his mouth is slacked a bit.

"Of course what can I get for you sir?"

"Pot of coffee and the breakfast scrambler"

Shocked at Tyler's sudden shift to being so impolite I look at him wide eyed kicking his leg under the table as if to say 'dude, stop it.' Kyle nods writing it down then turns to me.



I say shocked at how he still remembers. Well of course he does, he was a huge part of your life at one point.

Winking Kyle scoops up the menus sending me a quick wink. Across from me Tyler scoffs rolling his eyes.

"Dude, what was that about?"

"What was what about?"

Now rolling my eyes "You know what I mean. Why do you always have to be so rude?"

Without answering my question he fires back "You two seem to know each other well."

Shocked at his abrasiveness I tuck my hair behind my ears, which is something do when nervous.

"Um yeah we do. He's an old friend."

Tyler just stares at me for a moment letting out a 'mhm'. Rolling my eyes again we spent the rest of the meal in silence. What the hell was his problem?? How does he go hot to cold in an instant? What did I do wrong?? Before I could think too much more Kyle comes back setting the table with our food. He set Tyler's food out first while Tyler just stares at him with a passive expression. Kyle then turns to me setting down the classic Tutti-Fruitty pancakes in front of me with a large iced mocha coffee and a can of whip cream for the pancakes. I let out a quiet 'yess' which both the boys hear which makes them both chuckle.

"Enjoy guys."

As soon as Kyles back was turned I dug into the pile of pancakes making sure to spray a little whip cream for each bite. I let out a low groan in satisfaction which makes Tyler laugh.

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