Chapter 18

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Since I havent been able to upload in forever- double upload!! Did something different in this one ;) heads up. may be triggering to some- ONTO THE SHOW

Tyler's POV:

Waking up hungover is not fun at all.

Cotton mouth


Tired eyes.

Waking up at all is not fun.

In general.

I hate being awake- being alive.

Hate the depression I feel

I hate the come down of drugs.

Coke is the worst for that.

The depression sets in again

I feel again

I feel it all- the pain, hurt, betrayal.

Wish I didn't.

But I do; so I get up.

But before I do anything, I puke my guts out and then shower.

After getting out feeling better now I dress in my usual- black pants, black shirt.

Going downstairs of the apartment I see Mac already awake. Eating my food. On my PS4. Typical.

"YO." I say

Mac lets out a high-pitched girly scream that makes me laugh so hard my chest hurts.

"DUDE! Why would you do that!?"

"Dude, its my house you baby."

"Dude, you need to get laid cuz you're a dick."

"Dude, you need to get an education so you can learn more than five words."

"Dude, I dropped out."


Mac frowns, "You didn't say duuude!"

I roll my eyes, "Bro, come on let's get some food okay?"

Walking to my garage I hear Mac behind me grumbling at how I once again did not say dude- therefore I am a horrible friend.

Opening the garage, I look at all my beautiful cars- Jags, Lambos, Ferrari, Porche, Maybacks and more. Most of my cars are at their house but these are my most special ones. I think back to the night I brought Spencer to their house. How her eyes went wide in wonder. How she drooled over my car and my room.

How I wished she was drooling over my big-

Mac shakes me out of my dangerous thoughts.

"DUUUDE come on I want Pancakies!!"

"Alright you big baby lets go."

Mac skips, yes SKIPS to the Mayback as I grab the right keys and unlock the doors.

In the car we play music and Mac is talking about the wild night we had but I'm only partially listening. I'm thinking about Spencer. Again. And I don't know why. But its really starting to piss me the fuck off.

I mean, who does she think she is?

Making me think about her all the time

Making me want her

Making me think about how sweet she is

How kind she is

How she is shy but can be bold at the same time.

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