Chapter 11

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Look at the top! Enjoy!! 


As I come too slowly I hear a slight rustling noise and someone talking on the phone.

"Yeah no she's fine. Uh- yeah- um I think she had some type of nightmare... She didn't really say. – I don't know!! Look I have been nothing but nice to her okay!?! I would never do something like that to her or anybody!!! Let her have a day off.... She seems like she needs it.... Yes.... Okay thank you .... I will... bye."

I hear him let out a strangled sigh and mutter under his breath. My eyes are still closed but seeing as I am now awake I may as well get up. Opening my eyes, I sit up stretching my arms up yawning and giving myself a quick pat on my cheeks to wake me up. When my eyes focus I see Tyler standing there in all his beautiful glory; no shirt and all. I notice that he is clutching my phone in his hand. Furrowing my eyebrows, I ask him

"Why do you have my phone?"

Tyler looks at me sheepishly as he lifts his arm and rubs his hand on the back of his neck which I have noticed is his tell when he gets embarrassed.

"Well – I uh...."

Hearing him stutter is weird for me since I'm always nervous around him. Raising my eyebrows and motioning for him to go on I wait expectedly.

"So, uh that was your friend. She kept calling saying that she needed to get the address to give you some clothes and stuff but by the time I finally answered you a, were still asleep and b, it was too late"

I stiffen hearing this. In a low, sharp tone I ask

"What. Do. You. Mean. Too. Late"

"Well uh I didn't want to wake you up cuz you looked peaceful, so I told her not to worry about it."

Alarm bells ringing in my head I jump out of bed forgetting that I'm in a t-shirt and no pants I rip my phone out of his hands.

"It's 10:42???! Why didn't you wake me? How am I going to school?? Oh god I'm so late!! What the fuck Tyler!?"

I am freaking out by now. I need to go to school. I NEED to.

"Did you just curse?"

Huffing at this boy's stupidity on focusing on that only I pinch the bridge of my nose in exasperation.

"So, you basically took my phone without my permission, made decisions without my permission, in fact you kidnapped me too your house without my permission! I know you meant well but that's not cool Tyler! What am I going to do?! I have no clothes I'm somewhere I don't belong with someone who doesn't even know me??!"

By now I am in his face pointing and yelling with tears threatening to fall. I never cry in front of people and I don't cry often but if I'm really angry I go in overdrive and I get so exasperated I just want to cry. Taking deep breaths to calm myself down I take a step back. Just breath Spencer. In. out. Just like you learned. Once I have calmed down I open my eyes to see Tyler with his fists balled up and jaw clenched. Realizing what I've done and who I have done it to I shrink back on to the bed with my head down. Oh no, I have unleashed the beast. Goodbye cruel world.


I stammer out.

I hear Tyler sigh and then say in a mumbling tone

"Your friend kept calling and I wasn't going to wake you cuz I figured you were tired, we stayed up pretty late. When I picked up I was confused since I was not aware of this plan. I told her not to worry but she insisted you would need certain things for the day or whatever. So, she brought it over." Lifting up a bag with what I assumed is the stuff Tally dropped off; he continued. "I'm sorry for not telling you anything. I thought I would maybe show you something fun if you wanted. I wouldn't have forced you to do anything! I'm not that much of an asshole and I'm sorry that I made that impression. If you really want I'll drop you off at school or home. Whatever you want angel"

At the end I am left flabbergasted. Did he just apologize? I didn't know that was possible. Mulling over my options in my head I think that he does seem sincere and I have already missed half the day and I really don't want to go to school; especially not with Tyler. Cocking my head to the side I have made my decision.

"Okay then, what did you have in mind?"

Looking up too see Tyler's shocked expression I knew I made the right choice.

"Really?? You sure angel?? Just a minute ago you where chewing me up!"

Laughing I sigh

"Don't make me change my mind."

Then the unthinkable happened. Tyler smiled. Like a full-on smile; not a smirk a big mega watt smile. Oh god and he has dimples?!? Seriously?! Who is this dude?!

"Shower. Then we will have our very own adventure." Throwing the bag with my stuff he shuts the door. Checking my phone, I texted Fallon's million messages saying that everything is all good and that I won't be going to school today. She replies with a thumbs up and I go in the lux bathroom to shower.


After showering I go and see what Fallon has 'packed for me' smiling at the outfit I quickly put it on. Looking over in the mirror I brush my long brown hair tying it in a bun on the top of my head. Putting on some powder, mascara, eyebrows, eyeliner, and a dark lipstick I give myself a final once over before getting my bag and placing my phone in it. Wow Fallon does pack everything. Emerging from the bathroom I get hit with the cold air as the steam escapes. Tyler noticing my presence looks over, when he does his eyes widen and his law is slacked. (I'll have the picture at the top of what she is wearing!)

Feeling self-conscious of him starring I whisper out

"What? does it look bad?"

Being broken out of his trance by my voice he snaps his head back to my face.

"No babe, you look great." His eyes rake over my body, staring at my legs he licks his bottom lip.

Oh god he is so dang hot.

Blushing I stammer out

"Oh, okay th-thanks.... Dont call me babe."

Smirking Tyler stands up towering over me

"Wanna go to IHOP?"

"Yes that's one of my favorite places!"

Tyler chuckling at my quirks opens the door as we leave for out adventure.


Hope this is good. I know its pretty long so let me know what you think. Vote, comment, follow, share :) 

*Edited from original*

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