Chapter 28

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Hey, sorry this took FOREVER. I have been procrastinating this chapter for awhile cuz I wasnt sure how to exactly write it. 

Slight sexual content at the end :3 


"I should mention that I don't like people." I say.

"Yea, people suck."

I nod, "they do."

"You like that girl though."

I roll my eyes, "her name is Fallon. How do you forget?"

"Don't pay attention."

I roll my eyes again, "your rude."

"Not to you."

I smile, "not usually at least."

He laughs and nods. He hands me a beer from his fridge and for a minute we are quite just drinking beer together on his counter.

Lost in my own thought I snap out to find him staring at me, feeling self-conscious I push my hair over the side of my face, "What are you looking at?" I say sharply.

He reaches across and gets closer to me, "Well, I was looking at you before you blocked me."

"I don't like people looking at me."

"Even me?"

My eyes widen, "Especially you."

He moves back away from me, and I can tell he feels hurt by my answer.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"How did you mean it then?" His tone is clipped with anger.

I sigh. I don't know how to explain it. I have always hated people looking at me. I hate looking at myself.

"I don't like looking at myself, why in the world would I want anyone else to look at me?"

He looks confused now, "Why don't you like looking at yourself?"

"I don't like what I see."

I can't look at him at this moment. I think it would hurt too much, I don't want to see his face and whatever expression he is making because as much as he hides what he thinks, his eyes always gives him away. I feel him move and when I look up, he is standing in front of me. Raising my eyebrows, he puts his hand out to me and I lean back with apprehension, but I see its down and not raised at me.

"Come. I wanna show you something." His deep voice says.

Finishing my drink, I grab his hand and he pulls me up. His hands are so much bigger than mine and feel so warm, which I don't understand how because my hands are always cold. He leads me to a room off of the kitchen and I realize it's a bedroom. I hear the door click close and I turn around to him with alarm bells going off in my head.

"Uhm what are you doing?" I say.

The gears are turning in my head and I start looking around thinking how to leave. Great, another bad situation.

"Oh hey, I'm sorry, look" He points to the mirror attached to the back of his door.

I'm very confused but then I think of Tyler getting ready for the day and looking at his outfits in this mirror. But then I'm wondering why I'm standing in front of a mirror.

He walks up to me and stops, "Uh can I stand behind you for a minute? Please"

I smile and nod, he said please.

He goes behind me and I'm watching him very closely through the mirror trying to calculate what he is going to do.

Once he is behind me, he hovers his hands over my hips.

"Move forward."

I step forward. Looking down at my feet I feel very uncomfortable with both being in his room, him being so close to me, and so close to a mirror. My brain is going in overdrive, and I don't think I can fully comprehend what exactly is happening right now.

He brings his hand up and brings his figure up on my chin pushing it up so I'm able to make direct eye contact with myself. Seeing myself, with him right behind me makes me feel so insecure and scarred. I hate what I see, I hate all of my scars, I hate feeling like I'm being observed, I just hate it all.

He pulls my hair behind my ears and leans down, and whispers in my ear, "I'm going to show you how beautiful I think you are."

My eyebrows furrow as I wonder what does that even mean?

He leans down and suddenly I can feel his lips on my neck kissing me.

My eyes widen. Oh, I guess that's what he means.

I can feel him remove his hands from my hips and reach for my hands. Once he finds them, he intertwines our fingers together. I smile.

He stops kissing my neck and I feel cold. He tilts my head to the right as I try to look back at him.

"Eyes up, angel. You need to watch yourself baby."

Jesus, almighty how the heck am I supposed to do that when he is doing all this???

I'm about to open my mouth to say what I don't even know because the next thing I know his lips are on the other side of my neck. And in that moment, I let out a loud, shaky breath. I can see him smile in the mirror and he nips my neck. I catch a quick glimpse of myself, and I feel at ease. I smile softly for a moment taking it in, I lean back into Tyler, luckily, he has me against him, so I don't fall over.


I focus back into reality. "Uhm... Huh?"

He smiles and turns me to him so we are facing each other, "You might see yourself differently, and you might hate yourself. But I dint think I could ever stop starring at you, because to me you're the most gorgeous thing ever."

I smile as I take every word in. I still don't see it, and I'm suddenly not radically changed because a guy called me pretty, but his words do stick with me, and I believe that he truly means them. And for now, that is more than I could have ever hoped for.

"Thank you, Tyler."

Now feeling brave I stand on my tip toes and kiss him. After one short pause he kisses me back and puts his hand in my hair tugging on it. The next thing I know is his hands are on me again and we wind up on the bed. I put my hands under his shirt and he stops for a moment to take it off. He flings it off quickly and throws it god knows where. He then grabs my shirt and I lift my arms up as he takes it off. When his lips meet mine again everything gets all fuzzy again, but I know that somehow our pants come off and he is moaning.

"Fucking beautiful." He groans as I'm now laying on my back and he is on top of me.

With his hands on my neck and mine in his hair all our sexual tension was finally released and satisfied.




I just want to say that the dynamic of these two people is very strong but they are counter balances to one another. Tyler knows that Spencer isn't immediately going to change her whole out look on herself but he offers her a different perspective to who she is and how she views herself. She isn't going to immediately start thinking she's beautiful because a man told her, but its something she hasn't even been told by many people so it shows her that even though she hates herself, not everyone feels the same. These people and events are loosely based on real life things so I didn't want to make a scene too graphic and explicit because that's not really how I write. Also a lot of this stuff is based on memory and its hard to write that all down so it makes sense to people reading it lol. 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please vote and comment, I love reading you guys' thoughts :) 

I hope to make the next chapter in Tyler's POV since a lot of people seem to enjoy those.  

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