Chapter 16

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Hey Yall! This chapter is dedicated to xx_Bookworm29_xx for being the best! Hope everyone likes this chapter. I tried to make it longer as it was a common request (didnt think longer chapters were liked so much lol) fair warning the second half of this chapter deals with sesitive topics and I will put a trigger warning. 



I feel it happening before I am even aware. I am back at the beginning of the worst event of my life again. It's the start of the end. The first domino to fall that was the catalyst for my miserable life. It's the same every time. The storm. The screams. The impact. The smoke and the blazing heat. The fear is still there like it was then even though it has been years. I can still taste the salt from my tears, and I feel my eyes burning from the smoke. I'm choking on the smoke when the scene changes to the second domino. Suddenly people are on top of me. Crushing me. Touching me. I try and beg for help, but no one hears me, or if they do, they ignore me. I see him to the side of me. The devil himself disguised as a friendly human. But I know better now, only I didn't know back then, I didn't know until it was too late. The third domino falls. He is watching me cry and reaches out to wipe my tear away. As he does it burns my skin. Hot searing pain courses through my cheek where he is touching me. Soon that is all I feel. Pain. Immense pain that is indescribable unless you have felt that type of pain yourself and very few people have. All of a sudden there is a loud noise and a voice yelling. I recognize the voice but can't place it. The last thing I see is piercing blue eyes before the floor opens up and I fall down.

And then I wake up.

I'm breathing heavily gasping for air as I try to remember to center myself again. I now know im awake. The air is cold and there is a slight breeze. I feel someone grab my left shoulder and I scream punching whatever is attacking me. Maybe I'm still asleep, I think.

"Jesus Christ! Spencer, it's me!" the voice says.

I look over seeing Tyler coughing and holding his hands to his throat from where I punched him. Oopps, well I guess I am awake!

His blue eyes look brighter in the darkness and they are staring straight at me.

"Oh. Uh- Heyyy. Sorry bout that hehe" I say not exactly knowing what to say but knowing I have to say something. He looks concerned, at what I am not sure. He also looks angry, very, very angry. I shrink low in my seat not knowing what is going to happen or what to expect which is a feeling I hate. I need to know what to expect at all times I always need to be prepared and ready to anticipate anything that can come my way. But with Tyler, I never know what he is going to do. I can't read him, and I am never sure what his next move is going to be. It's like I'm playing chess but he's playing Chinese checkers and I've never played Chinese checkers! Being around him is chaotic and unnerving and I'm not sure it's a good thing. By now I'm freaking out again with my breathing being ragged, and I am shaking. I feel cold even though my skin is covered in a layer of sweat. Something lands on my lap making me yelp in surprise. Looking down I see it's a water bottle, looking up to Tyler he is looking out the window. Somehow that feels like a stab to my heart, and I'm not even sure why it would matter.


With that, he opens up the car door, jumps out, and slams the door behind him so hard I thought it was going to break. With a shaky breath, I open the water bottle and start sipping. Realizing how dehydrated I am I chug down the water and let my mind wander again. He hates me. Another stab in my heart, but it shouldn't matter, it doesn't matter. Why am I like this? Why can't I be normal? I wish I was normal. I wish I can move on. I wish I could be loved, or accepted, or anything. I'm taken out of my thoughts by the door opening. Only it's my door. Tyler's face is inches from mine making my nervous all over again.

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