Chapter 32

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"Thank you, Tyler, that feels so so good."

"Don't thank me. I meant what I said earlier too. About you."

Im quiet because I don't know what to say and I don't know what to do about it. I know he just said all that to make me feel better, I mean there is no way he actually believes all that right? He can't. It's not possible. I can't even keep my eyes open any longer so I close them, and I am lulled into a deep slumber just before the darkness consumes me I can hear Tyler say, "Good night angel, you are loved.".

Chapter 32

Tyler's POV

I woke up sweating and the sun fucking hit my eyes. Fuck the sun bro.

I am about to get up, but I feel something next to me, looking down I see Spencer curled up in a tiny ball with the blanket over herself as well as me. Cute.

I want to move to make breakfast, but I also want to stay here forever. Last night was... intense, emotional, and unexpected. I didn't know that she had a brother. Or that he died. Or anything. Her asking for pills honestly made me feel some type of way because I didn't know she knew about any of that. She's a good girl. She is the one with good grades, the teacher's pet, in bed by ten. But apparently, she wasn't always. This girl is so intriguing and fascinating to me that I just want her to tell me everything. I want to know all of her, every fiber of her I want to know about. I feel for her, especially after last night. It breaks my heart that she lost a sibling, and she blames herself, it makes me so fucking mad that her mom blames her because it was an accident and no one should blame their own flesh and blood for something like that. I don't have any siblings that I know of, but I can't imagine losing Mac so I can't even comprehend how she must feel. I used to never feel or think of others, but I feel for her, and I think about her, and I just want to make her happy, to make her smile. That's why I got her the drugs. She honestly took me aback when she asked and shocked me that she even knows what Xanax is much less what it looks like. My instant reaction was to say 'No' or straight up lie saying I don't do that kind of shit, but she read me like the fucking books she reads. It's unnerving how much she has become a fixture in my life. Looking at her curled up next to me with her dyed hair hitting the light, her face looks soft and relaxed. That all changes in a split second when she sneezes. And I'm not talking like a little "ahchoo." No, I'm talking a "Holy fuck did I just shit myself?" sneeze. It was so loud I didn't even know if it was a sneeze or a yell. But I see her eyes blinking up at me with her cheeks red.

"Hi." She says in her morning voice. Damn, I have never wanted to kiss someone more in my life.

"You okay there?"

"Yea sorry, just a sneeze."

"More like a fucking scream but okay babe."

She laughs and rolls her eyes, "Water."

"What the magic word?"

"It's get me water or I'll sneeze again."

I was up in an instant.

Handing her the water she graciously accepts and gulps down the whole cup.

"I always get cotton mouth after pills."

"Always?" I question.

She looks at me, "Enough to get cotton mouth I guess."

Once again I am speechless, I want to know more but like where do I even start?

She gets up off the couch, "So I know you do a whole lot for me and I am so sorry to be a bother to you but can you drive me to my moms so I can change and then drop me off at school please?"

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