Chapter Six: Fall Down

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*Averen, age 7.
*The Death Game II, HeartKing Castle, Main hall.

We were not prepared.
I wasn't prepared!

I didn't know! It all just flashed before my eyes.
I..I.. wasn't ready.

I remember speaking to someone when a sudden voice of a woman shrieked from behind me..

"GO!! RUN Ave..."

Her voice was the last thing I recall, after that it's just...nothing.

Completely blank.

No sound, no movement, and.. no memory.

I Lost My Self! At some point...
Where is my family?!

My mommy.. and daddy...
and Davin...?

I'm a monster. This is all my fault.
My family.. it's torn apart.

I'm a curse of nature.

*Averen, age 16.
*Safe House, back yard.

"Destiney Aria Featheren! You better get down here RIGHT NOW!!"

I peaked down the tree brach still hanging like a spider monkey. A skirmish mocking smile plastered wide all over my face!

"All right.. all right, coming! Jeez!"

How can she always find me?! Better yet drag me away from this breathtaking view.

Just look at it! It's beutiful.

Though this is considered to be fun in my opinion, she never understood my love for nature.

"Ugh.. just get down here already! Also, don't get hurt. You know what happened last time." Miss Featheren pointed out dramatically.

Yeah, that was about a week ago. Nasty fall...tried getting down from an apple tree.

Note to self, jumping too fast wearing a skirt is not the best option!!

But hey on the bright side, I got a pretty nice gash on my knee for a few days!

"Finally, back to earth! Young lady you're grounded for the rest of this summer if you keep on escaping like that." She said sarcastically, "At least try escaping like a normal teenager! Do you really have to go venture outside and have me chasing you down? EVERY SINGLE TIME !"

"Oh comm'on don't be so grumpy. You should get some fresh air between now and then Mother!" I replied feeling victorious as we made our way back home.

That's my mom over there, also known as Miss Featheren.
But seriously I mean; why does she hate getting out side that much!?

Just look at how beautiful nature can be!
It's amazing and I love it!

No one can stand between me and nature.

And that's final.

I couldn't help but scowl at her annoyed, "You can't keep me imprisoned home for eternity you know."

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