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August 2021

It takes Myeong a whole month to gather up her courage to face Yoongi. Four miserable weeks she's been debating in her mind, thinking about all the possible outcomes of what she's about to tell him. It took a lot of self-hatred and suffering, time away from Minjun, to finally come to this point.

And now she's sitting here, on his bed and waiting for his undivided attention. Only for her to ruin his life.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?", he finally turns towards her after he's finished fiddling with his laptop.

"Huh?", Myeong gets called out of her intrusive thoughts.

"You said it was important?", he smiles and moves to jump onto the bed right next to her.

He's not only happy around Minjun, he's also happy around her.

"You look upset, are you okay?", he takes her hand into his, stroking it gently while looking at her with worried eyes.

"Yeah, um...", she manages a weary smile, "I just need to talk about some things with you..."

"If this is about... you know... you struggling again, then you know I'm here for you", he says softly, while embracing her lovingly. Myeong sinks into his arms, but uncomfortably pulls the sleeves on her sweater lower over her hands.

"Thank you, Yoongs", she responds gratefully as he releases her from the hug, "But that's not it."

"What is it?", he furrows his brow.

"...It's about Minjun", she breathes out.

"Minjun?", he seems more confused, "Yeah, we should hang out again, I haven't seen him in a few days."

"No...", she says quietly, looking down at her hands in her lap while her eyes tear up, "We shouldn't, Yoongi."

"What do you mean?", he leans forward to see her expression, "Myeong, you're scaring me."

"Yoongi, I'm sorry...", she meets his eyes, her expression contorting in pain as she speaks out her next words, "I don't want to have to tell you this, but Minjun's been cheating on you."

There's silence, except for Myeong's spaced breathing as she sobs, afraid of his reaction. His face looks like he's working something out in his mind, but then there's a quick shake of his head.

"Huh" he huffs, a hoarse chuckle escaping his throat, "You're joking, right?"

Hot tears roll down her cheeks as she shakes her head from side to side, Yoongi's expression dropping as she does.

"B-but Minjun wouldn't", his voice cracks and it sounds more like a question than anything else, "He loves me...He couldn't... Could he?"

"He has", she sniffles solemnly, "It's what he's always done. It can't be a complete surprise, can it?"

"W-who?", he then croaks out, searching his own palms for the answer as he stares down at them with tears spilling over.

"I don't know names. Whatever guys he meets at the clubs... Whatever guys are charmed by him", she wipes her runny nose with her sleeve.

"How many times has this happened?", he whispers in disbelief.

"It's never stopped", she says quietly, "Not before he met you, not after he met you."

"So... I meant nothing?", his eyebrows knit together, but it's no use holding his sobs in any longer.

"No, he does love you. I believe that", she places a hand on his shoulder, "He just doesn't know how to be with one person at a time. And I told him not to go after you, knowing that, but he wouldn't listen."

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