A song about you

926 43 3

July 2019

Following the wrap up of the TV show and the release of her new album, despite still being on the road of recovery from her life-endangering injury earlier this year, Moonhae has more work on her plate than ever before. Although the load may be the same as with every comeback, it seems more difficult as she's still not in top form.

Somehow, in the midst of all this, she lets herself be convinced by her crazy boyfriend that it would be a good idea to take a few days off and visit him at his concert in Shizuoka. Having just come back from Japan a month earlier makes the whole thing even more nutty. Nevertheless, when he puts on a pout and his eyes go wide with pleading, she knows she can't say no.

So, naturally, she finds herself standing in the lobby of a fancy hotel, waiting to be checked in when she hears excited shouting from near the elevators.

"Moonhae!", Taehyung stumbles into the lobby, running towards her with a beaming smile.

She knew she shouldn't have texted him about her arrival this early, for now he's causing a scene in front of many disturbed hotel guests.

"You're here!", he squeezes his eyes shut as he flings himself around her, almost causing her to topple over with his weight.

"Careful", she chokes out and he immediately retreats with a worried expression.

"How's your neck?", he now gently holds onto her jaw, tilting her head to inspect it.

"Taehyung, it's fine. You ask me this every time", she grins and pulls his hand to her lips instead, "But it would be helpful if you didn't throw me to the floor by pouncing on me."

"I thought you liked that", he says lowly, his eyes glinting at the double meaning and she scoffs as he seductively pushes some strands of her hair behind her ear.

"Ahem... Miss?", the staff at the front desk clears his throat awkwardly at the couple lost in their own world, "Your room is now ready and your bags have already been brought up. This is your room key."

Biting her lip and tearing her eyes away from the look Taehyung's giving her, she quickly picks the room key up from the marble countertop and nods at the clerk politely. With one hand grasping her handbag and the other clamoring to Taehyung's, she leads him to the elevator.

As soon as they arrive in her room and her bag meets the floor, he pushes his lips onto her's, feeling her for the first time in months as he lets his hands roam along her body. Deepening the kiss further and further in longing for each other, they only break apart to catch their breaths.

"Remind me: Why did we get separate rooms again?", she smirks at his lustful expression.

"Stupid company rules", he huffs, returning his lips to her jawline and neck.

"Mmh...", she moans into him lightly, "You know you're crazy for bringing me here. I have minus time to be here and yet I still am."

"Maybe...", he admits lowly between kisses, "But I need you."

"Ah, Taehyung", she breathes when she feels his mouth leave a mark on her delicate skin.

With a devilish smile he moves his head so he's gazing down at her again, slowly resting his forehead against her's.

"I wanted you to visit when we were in Paris, but...", he trails off.

"I had work", she sighs.

"I guess Paris will have to wait", he grins, letting his nose brush softly against her's.

"You're gonna take me?"

"Of course."

Their lips meet again, molding against one another as their bodies grow closer and closer. Without parting, they move towards the bed and he slowly pushes her back onto it, hovering over her now that he's in control.

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