The Tour

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August 2018

"YEONTAN!", Moonhae screams after the dog that's jumped into the deep pond in the middle of the park, "Yeontan, out right now!!!"

The little pup doesn't seem to be bothered by the girl's loud voice and continues swimming around playfully, keeping his head above water by speedily paddling his small paws.

"Oh my god, Yeontan...", she whines, "Taehyung's gonna kill me."

Trudging over to the edge of the pond, she leans over slightly, attempting to grab somewhere near the dog. However, all she does is lose her balance. Bracing herself to hit the cold water, she's surprised when a sturdy arm stabilizes her around the waist.

"What are you doing?", the pink-haired boy chuckles into her ear.

"Yeontan jumped into the pond and I can't get him out!", her lower lip trembles in agitation.

He laughs at her pained expression before calling out to his pet, "Tannie! Come here!"

The dog immediately swims towards the sweet voice, jumping out of the water, shaking himself off and excitedly wagging his tail at his owner.

"See? Nothing to be upset about", he grins at the distraught Moonhae.

"He never listens to me", she pouts.

"That's because you don't seem like a person with authority to him."

"Wow", she scoffs, "I just love being insulted by your dog."

"Hey! He's not just a dog. He's like my child", Taehyung defends the cute fluff ball.

"Please don't say that", she groans, "It reminds me of the reason I don't want to have kids: I'm literally the worst person to take care of anything."

"That's not true! You're doing great with Tannie! And you don't want to have kids?", his eyes grow round at the last part.

"Taehyung, I really don't want to spend our last day together talking about having kids and running after Yeontan", she rubs her eyelids tiredly.

"You're right. Now have this", his smile returns as he holds out a spoonful of chocolate ice cream in front of her mouth from the cup he went to buy.

She reluctantly lets herself be fed, but as soon as she tastes the heavenly creaminess of the soft serve, her whole body relaxes.

"It's good, right?", he looks pleased with her reaction, now taking a spoonful for himself.

"Amazing", she nods, already opening her mouth for more.

The two spend the whole day roaming the park, engulfed by the warm summer breeze. They don't ever want their time to end as they laugh together, sitting under a large pine tree in the shade until the sun sets.

"I don't want to go on tour without you", Taehyung whines and leans his head down against her chest.

"You'll be fine. Besides, I'm super busy anyway. My album's coming out in three days", she reminds him.

"I'll miss you", he sighs.

"It's only about a month before we see each other again."

"Only??", he lifts his head and scrunches his eyebrows together at her.

"Oh stop being such a baby. I'll call you every chance I get", she kisses him lightly and a smile spreads across his youthful face.

"Promise?", he grins playfully.

She merely rolls her eyes at him.

"Promise?", he repeats in a more serious tone.

"Fine", she says, but can't help giggling at his silliness.

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