Another reveal

568 25 9

November 2020

Bang PD stares intently at the two culprits sitting on the other side of his desk with their heads hanging low. His expression, though fierce, masks most of the anger that's bubbling inside him. Somehow, no matter how cautious and controlling he is, he finds himself back in the same situations.

"I can't believe this is happening again", he leans back in his chair exhaustedly, "Only this time it's a lot worse."

"We're very sorry, sir", Aya murmurs politely, not daring to meet his eyes.

"That doesn't do me much good now, does it?", he exhales deeply.

"You announced Moonhae and Taehyung's relationship back then, so why can't you announce ours now?", Jimin cuts in, slightly irritated.

"For one, your age difference-"

"We're five years apart! If people can't handle that then I don't fucking care!", he bursts out angrily before his boss can finish his sentence.

"Park Jimin, you are getting on my last nerve", he snarls, trying to keep his tone level, "You will shut up and listen or none of this is happening."

Jimin sits back slowly, biting his lip and gripping his seat tightly. Nothing about this sits right with him. His love life should never be a subject of company discussion.

"Alright", Bang PD takes a deep breath before explaining, "Although Aya has a squeaky clean image, it wouldn't sit well with the general public if they know you're dating. She's seen as an innocent child despite turning 20 last month. This hurts not only your image, but greatly impacts hers as well."

"But neither of us care about that", Jimin replies calmly, glancing over at his girlfriend still staring at her lap.

"I don't think we should announce it...", she suddenly says quietly.

"What?", Jimin feels like he must've misheard.

"It's just... a lot", she huffs, looking up at him with sad eyes, "I know it's been a year, but we've never even met each other's families and I don't want to be in the line of hate because people know we're dating. Can't things just stay like they are?"

"But Aya...", Jimin croaks, his heart aching.

"Well, I think that settles it then", Bang PD interjects.

"What are you going to say then? That we're just friends? Who the hell is going to believe that?", Jimin snaps before desperately turning to Aya again, "If this is about meeting your parents, we can totally do that."

"No, Jimin, it's not...", she sighs.

"Why can't you be more like Jin? He's in a long term relationship and keeps it completely under wraps. That's how it should be done", Bang PD cuts in again.

Speaking of the devil, the door to his office suddenly busts open, an agitated looking Jin standing in the doorway. Striding in dramatically, everyone sitting inside turns around to watch him.

"Alright, listen up", he announces, making the boss raise his eyebrows, "I've heard of some things going on I can't agree with."

"Never mind, I retract that statement", Bang PD says under his breath before humoring the boy in front of him, "What is it, Jin?"

"Now, I know you're not too happy with the idea, Aya, but you'll get the same kind of hate no matter if you announce the relationship or not", Jin states matter-of factly, "It's your decision, however, after seeing you in Jimin's vlive people will assume you're dating either way."

She just gazes at him, realizing he knows what he's talking about so much more than she does.

"And you-", Jin proceeds to point at Bang PD, "You don't get to decide any of this for them. All seven of us have devoted our lives to this company, the least we get to do is control our own personal lives. Sure, maybe we'll lose a few fans here and there, but with the amount of love we receive that's nothing. And we don't want the love of those who can't accept us."

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