The Label

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Late August 2017

Their collab launched the whole k-pop industry into a frenzy. Haters called the music video raunchy and called Moon out for being a whore. However, stars, Moon's fans and armys, BTS's fans, were absolutely in love with this new cross-over. They spammed the internet with new ship names and sweet compilations, begging the idols for new content.

Interviews upon interviews and many promotional videos and photoshoots later, Moon and BTS wrapped up the month of July, the most successful they've ever been. Once that rosy period ended though, Moon was immediately thrown back into her sad reality at her entertainment company. Despite the success, her manager torments her now more than ever. Criticizing her every appearance, nit-picking her image, filling her schedule up to the brim so she won't have any free time. He's milking her for money. Seeing how far she can go before breaking down.

Jaewon isn't much of a support either. With every week, he gets increasingly more upset, because Moon never has the time to see him. On the days she does see him, things are tense. He usually fucks her and when they aren't falling asleep, they argue. Her whole collab did not go over well with him.

"I can't do it", Moon stands her ground across from her stern manager, who's trying to get her to do the third risqué photoshoot this week.

"What do you mean, you can't do it?", he snarls.

"I'm not on a slave contract."

"Keep talking and you won't be on any contract."

"You know what?", Moon takes a deep breath before her emotions boil over, "Maybe you should just drop me. Just drop me from the fucking label already. I don't even care anymore. I don't even have a life anymore, because of you."

"We fucking will if we have to!", her manager bellows at her, his face contorted with rage, "I've had four years of your fucking attitude and it doesn't even matter how much money you're making this company, we will fucking fire you! And that's not just a threat."

Moon turns and escapes the room before he can say anything else. She knows when to leave before a man becomes violent. She can't listen to him any longer.

Bumping into one of her stylists, she realizes she's run all the way towards the dressing rooms in the company building. When the stylist sees Moon's expression, she opens her mouth worriedly, but before she can say anything, Moon darts around the corner and lets herself into the nearest room. It's a dressing closet, lined with various types of costumes and outfits, dark and desolate.

Moon immediately sinks down against the cold wall, her heavy breathing turning into sobs. When she feels the tears streaming down her face, she tries to bury her face in her hands. She scratches and scratches at her cheeks, not wanting to cry. Why is she crying? Why does she have to cry?

She thinks of someone. Someone she wants to talk to. Someone who might make her feel better. With shaky hands, she picks up her phone and dials a contact under favorites.

"Hello?", a soft voice picks up the phone after a few rings.

"Yoongi, I-", Moon is cut off by her own sobs.

"Moonhae? What's the matter? Are you alright?", his voice is full of concern once he hears her crying. None of the boys have ever seen her cry.

"Yoongi, they're going to f-fire me", she bursts out with another wave of tears.

"Fire you? What are you talking about?", Yoongi sounds confused, but then sighs, "What did your manager say to you?"

He knows the stories of how the manager treats her all too well. Not just him. She's had long talks about her struggles with the other members as well.

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