Stuck With You

641 29 3

April 2020

"I don't know what to fucking do", Jimin runs his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Is it like... I mean are you sure?", Taehyung fidgets worriedly with his hands whilst listening to his agitated friend as he paces around his room.

"No, we're not fucking sure. She could be pregnant, but we have no idea", he snaps.

"Did she take a test?", he bites his bottom lip.

"No, it won't be accurate anyway. She took Plan B two weeks ago", he explains bluntly.

"...And she should be on her period right now?", he asks tensely.

"Yes", Jimin lets out a huge sigh, dropping onto one of Taehyung's chairs and burying his face in his hands.

The boy sitting on the other side of the table gnaws at his bottom lip nervously, trying to think of a solution at this point. This doesn't only affect the couple, but all the other members and their careers as well.

"I can't be a father, Taehyung", he grumbles in exasperation, not daring to look up from his hands.

"I know, but if she really is pregnant you don't really have a choice", he murmurs back.

"We could always...", he trails off, the thought itself being too grim to speak out.

"You wouldn't...", his voice trembles, "Would you really be able to... get rid of it?"

"I don't know, Taehyung", he throws his head back in emotional pain as his eyes start to water, "What else am I supposed to do?"

"But you and Aya", his heart breaks for his friend, "Nothing would ever be the same."

"Look, how am I supposed to handle a child? Yes, we may have more free time right now, but as soon as this virus goes away, we're going on tour. Our regular schedule gives us one free day a month. The time we spend in Korea versus the time we're flying off to other countries is surprisingly little. How the fuck is it okay to raise a child you'll never even get to see?", he thinks of the harsh reality of things.

"But-", Taehyung quickly gets cut off.

"And what about the fans?", he continues, "They don't even know I'm dating. I know everything went well with you and Moonhae, but how the fuck am I just supposed to announce I'm having a baby with a girl I've dated for four months to the world? The backlash would be so huge I'd probably get kicked out of Bangtan."

"If the fans really care, they'd understand", he then retorts.

"How could they possibly understand if I can't even understand, Taehyung? I love Aya with all my heart, but our relationship is so new there's no way we can handle something like this", he shoots back.

Taehyung leaves quite a long silence for contemplation before he speaks again, his words ringing as final, "Jimin, you have to do what you think is right. Either decision is huge and will have consequences and I'll be there no matter what. But the most important thing here is Aya. If she really is pregnant, you have to be by her side through everything and support whatever she decides to do. I know you know that."

"You're right", Jimin sinks further into his chair, his voice breaking a little.

His friend watches him apologetically as he takes a shaky breath and stumbles over words.

"It's just... Fuck, Taehyung", he leans forward, letting his tears run free while he sobs into his hands.

The younger moves towards him, taking him into his arms as Jimin has done for him so many times before. Taehyung was always on the receiving end of his comfort and for once he's able to ease some of his best friend's pain as he cries softly into his embrace.

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