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March 2020

The first legs of the world tour were cancelled. They were ordered to stay in their dorms and only commute to and from the company. Wearing masks became a thing of safety instead of something to keep them from being recognized. Their workdays continued, but with no end of the pandemic in sight.

The clock eventually stopped working after everyone went into quarantine though. Time on their hands, they felt like they were just throwing it away unless they were forced to do work. It's not like they were trying to be lazy, but it was just hard to focus on things when the world was so obviously going to shit.

Somehow the boys pass their time, however, still doing their best and entertaining their fans. Although they're upset about the tour, maybe it's for the better that they have some time to rest, much like Moon.

One lonely day later in the evening, a pouting Jin trudges through the hallways of their dorm building. Carrying an RJ plushie along with him, he contemplates which room's door to knock on. As if hearing his inner debate, one door swings open.

"Jungkook!", Jin bounces towards the youngest, who looks confused as he exits his bedroom.

"What?", he seems annoyed.

"Can I stay in your room tonight?", he puckers his lips and his eyes go round in pleading.

"No, why would you want to do that?", he shoots back, ignoring Jin's expression.

"Hyunae kicked me out...", he starts pouting again.

The younger snickers at that, but doesn't budge, "Find someplace else, I'm going out for tonight."

"Where are you going?!", he furrows his brow as Jungkook moves to leave.

"The company gym", he answers bluntly, getting into the elevator.

"At ten o'clock at night?", he gets even more confused, but can't question him further as the elevator doors have shut.

Once again he's alone in the hallway, so he decides to trudge along to the next room and knock on the door. Hearing a faint "Yes?", he pushes the unlocked entrance open and moves in to share his sorrows with his next victims. It so happens to be Jimin and Aya, who are snuggled into each other on the bed as they watch a movie.

"Jin? What are you doing?", Jimin knits his eyebrows together.

"Hyunae kicked me out", he sighs dramatically, clutching onto RJ as he throws his head back.

"Out of your own room?", he now raises his eyebrows.

"She said I was annoying", he pushes his bottom lip forward glumly.

"What did you do?", Aya smirks a little.

"I was eating rice cakes I bought for us and she told me not to eat them in front of her cause she's on a diet and that's mean. So I moved to the lounge to eat them, but when I finished them and came back she asked where her share of the rice cakes was. I ate all of them thinking she was on a diet. She said I was annoying and inconsiderate and should sleep somewhere else tonight", Jin recalls slightly aloof.

"Um, Jin...?", Aya clears her throat a little, while Jimin just remains completely puzzled as to why Jin would be kicked out for eating all the rice cakes. "Is Hyunae on her period?"

"Yeah... I'm kind of bummed", he sighs again.

"How did you know?", Jimin looks at Aya in surprise and admiration.

"Telepathy", she jokes in response.

"Well, either way, you can't stay here, Jin", Jimin then says to him.

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