Season of Feelings

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February 2018

The soft melody of Yoongi playing the piano reverberates all around the sound studio. Moon's beautiful voice matches the tune perfectly, creating new harmonies. They're working on writing a new song together.

"Mmh...", Moon's disconcertion makes Yoongi's hands rest on the keys for a moment.

He looks up at her, furrowing his brow expectantly.

"I think we should do something like this instead", she tells him, forcing him to scooch over on the piano bench.

She starts playing a small variation of what he was playing, then vocalizes along with the melody. It matches the singing a lot better.

"Ah, I like that", he admires her, letting his eyes glide over her image for a second.

In the beginning, when Moonhae signed over to Big Hit, she was so enamored with all the new musical freedom she had, she spent all of her time in the studio. Yoongi, who loves to produce as well, would find her there all the time. He didn't like sharing the main studio at first. He liked to be alone. But since it was Moon, and for some reason she understood his creative thought processes more than anyone else, he grew accustomed to her. They spent many long nights getting lost in their music and today is no different.

Except that it's midday and the other members keep walking in and bothering them.

"Moonhae!", Hoseok pops his head into the studio with a cheerful smile.

Yoongi turns to his friend, clearly annoyed.

"Yes, Hobi?", Moonhae greets him nicely nevertheless.

"Ooh, are you making music? Can I listen?", Hoseok eyes them sitting at the piano and walks towards them.

"No, Hobi", Yoongi mimics Moon's tone of voice from before.

Hoseok stops in his tracks and scrunches his nose distastefully.

"What do you want?", Yoongi sighs.

"Well, I was going to give Moonhae some great news", he crosses his arms.

"Oh, yeah?", she looks up at him with an anticipating twinkle in her eyes.

"You'll never believe it", Hoseok hypes her up further.

"Tell me!", she's almost begging him now.

"Ok, so I finally got the okay for our project: We're going to shoot a dance cover to Boy Meets Evil!", his mouth shapes into a heart as he informs her excitedly.

"No way!", Moon jumps up from the piano bench and Yoongi almost tips off of it.

"But you already have a dance for Boy Meets Evil", the pale boy says annoyedly after he catches his balance.

"Yeah, but this one is a couple's dance", he responds to his hyung as if it's obvious, but he just rolls his eyes in return.

"This is so amazing", Moon continues to gush, "Ok, the first thing I want to do is talk to wardrobe. Yoongi, is it okay if we continue this later?"

"Yeah, sure...", he leans back on the bench, fidgeting with the piano pedals.

She gives him a thankful nod before rushing out of the studio. Yoongi and Hoseok are left behind with a tense atmosphere.

"What's wrong?", Hoseok asks, knowing his friend well.



"I don't like when people interrupt our music sessions."

"I didn't do it on purpose!"

Yoongi pauses before speaking again, "I also don't like you dancing with her... in that way."

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