Chapter 22: Finding Out The Hard Way...

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—Karakura High School—

—No One's POV—

It was a beautiful day In Karakura Town. The student's of Karakura High had returned from their summer vacations and had finally started getting back into their daily routines. Clubs, sports, gossip, everything seemed normal for most of the students. But Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends weren't most students..

After they and the Soul Society teamed up to defeat the Bounts, a mysterious new student turned out to be what was known as a Visored, and had been working on recruiting Ichigo into their ranks. Not only that, but two very powerful Hollows known as Espada arrived and left dozens dead in their wake. Both Ulquiorra Cifer and Liargo Yammy were sent to test Ichigo's strength, and even encountered Kisuke and Yoruichi. Even though they left, Kisuke grew worried that if Aizen had more than 8 of these Espada, that the Soul Society would be doomed... On top of all of that, a group of supposed "transfer students" arrived as well. These, of course, were members of the 13 Court Guard Squads.

However, there was another member of the 13 Court Guard Squads that had already returned to this school, but her personality seemed to do a complete 180..


Mya: "O-oh, sorry.. I didn't see you there.." she squatted down and began picking up her papers that were now scattered across the floor.

Tatsuki: "Oh, hey Mya!" She shoots a smile and squats down to help, "I haven't seen you after school for a while now, so I thought you were still... you know... mourning with your family.."

Mya: "S-seen me in the gym?."

Tatsuki: "Well, ya. You know, sometimes we have to share the gym with the kendo team, but I haven't seen you at practice." She notices her voice is a whole lot less confident than it usually was... "Are you ok?.."

Mya: "Oh, ya, sorry.. I... Well I quit the team.."

Tatsuki: "You what??? Aren't you like, nationally ranked??" Her shouting earned the pair several confused looks, which made Mya look down..

Mya: "Well, a lot's happened.. And I-" she stops and looks up, then her eyes seem to widen with worry..

Orihime: "Oh hi Tatsuki!! Hi Mya!!"

Tatsuki: *smiles widely* "Hey there Orihime!" Mya suddenly stands up and bows without looking at either of them..

Mya: "Excuse me." She turns and quickly walks down the hallway in the opposite direction.. Tatsuki looks at her confused as she moves further away..

Tatsuki: "Jeez.. What's wrong with her? I've never seen her so.. timid." Orihime looks on with concern too, meanwhile Tatsuki stands up and looks over at her. "Did something happen?."

Orihime: "Ya... She's been through a lot.." Flashbacks of what happened at Sōkyōku Hill ran through her head..

Tatsuki: "I'll bet it has something to do with Y/N being gone because of those family legal issues. To think someone would just come out of nowhere and try to claim rightful custody of him like that.."

Orihime: "Oh I'm sure he'll be back before we know it! I hear his Uncle is fighting reeeeeally hard for him!!" Tatsuki's worried expression finally fades away once she sees Orihime acting like her cheerful self again. Though, Orihime knew that she wasn't telling the whole truth.. She knew that Y/N was in fact back in the Soul Society.

Tatsuki: *smiles* "Yea, you're probably right. I'm sure things'll go back to normal soon enough." 'And it's sure good to have you back too, Orihime.'

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