Chapter 9- The Calm Before The Storm

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It had been a couple of days, and now Mya had left to go to her families funeral.  Y/N was a little down, but he still kept a small smile on his face believing things would be back to normal once she got back...

Since then, he's basically gone back to his daily routine of training, school, then some more training.  Well... "training"....

—Kisuke's Shop—

Y/N: "AhhhhHH!!  Again?!?"

Kisuke: "Now now, there's no need to get all worked up like that-"

Y/N: "But I've been going into my inner world the last 10 times I've come here to train!!"

Kisuke: "*mumbling* Has it really been that many times?."

Y/N: "UNCLE!!!" Kisuke seem to snap out of his train of thought "*sighs* Just forget it."

Kisuke can hear the disappointment in his voice, but truth be told he couldn't do much else right now.  Mainly because he needed to prepare for what was to come..  And if push came to shove, he'd just take off some of Y/N's seal..

Kisuke: "Listen Y/N, you've picked up on alot of combat skills already, but you've got to take the next step and unlock your Shikai.-" He pulls out Benihime, "-You see, everyones Zanpakto is basically the same in it's base form, but when someone activates their Shikai, everything changes.  Since each of them have their own unique physical forms and abilities, the user's fighting style, tactics, and capabilities all change to best compliment the Zanpakto's changes.  If you really wanna get to the next level, then learning it's name is the best thing for you to do."

Y/N: "But it keeps saying that I don't need that power yet!  Just how the hell am I supposed to get stronger if it won't give me it's name, you don't train me, and I've still got these stupid seals on me??"

Kisuke: "Hmm.." he seems to be thinking for a moment wile looking at Y/N's chest. 'Maybe if I just took off a little bit of it..' "Tell you what, we'll have one sparing match with about 10% of your seal taken off, and if you can handle it, we'll keep it that way."

Y/N: "*mumbles* Then what was the point of you putting them on in the first place.."

Kisuke: "Because at the time I didn't know if you'd be able to control your powers at all once you discovered them.  Now, just lay down and try to relax ok?"

Y/N was a little embarrassed that his Uncle heard him..  So he does as he says without complaining and lays down.  Kisuke ends up calling Tessai over to assist him.  It takes longer then Y/N thought it would, but after about half an hour, they're finally finished.

Y/N: "Is it done?"

Kisuke: "Yup!  You should notice a pretty big difference during our little match."

Y/N: "So all that for just 10%?"

Kisuke: "Don't knock it just yet.  Trust me, it's more then enough for now.."

—Kisuke's Training Room—

Kisuke: "Now Y/N, I need you to take this seriously alright?  I'll be coming after you for real this time, so just try not to die."

Y/N: "What, are you gunna-" Kisuke suddenly appears right in front of Y/N ready to cut off his head.  It's far too fast for Y/N to dodge...

Y/N: 'Shit!!  He's really trying to kill me!-'

Instead if trying to dodge, he grabs Kisuke's wrist just before he can swing Benihime.  Even Kisuke didn't expect that, but even more so, he didn't expect Y/N's grip to be so tight...  Y/N is about to throw him into a bolder until Kisuke kicks him in the face in an attempt to break free, but all he did was make Y/N's grip grow even tighter.  Y/N lost his temper for a second and ends up slamming Kisuke into the ground next to him, creating a small crater with the amount of power he put into it.

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