Chapter 24: Seeds Of Change..

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The air is cold.  Ice particles are floating around, carried by a chilled wind.  Y/N stands with his Shikai once again activated, staring at the source of this frigid temperature.  Across from him stands the youngest Captain to have ever served the 13 Court Guard Squads.  Wings and a tail of Ice are attached to his shoulders, with 3 different 4 petaled flowers floating above him.

Tōshirō: "This is your last chance.  If you surrender now, then no harm will come to you." His voice was as cold and deadly serious as the look in his eyes.

Y/N: "I'm afraid I can't do that.  I've got too much at stake to surrender now." Y/N was equally as serious.

A period of silence followed.  Neither of them moving a muscle.  Then, Y/N readies his scythe just as Tōshirō dashes forward.  He goes to stab Y/N, but is blocked.  Just as he anticipated..  Y/N is swatted away with one of Tōshirō's wings, his right side receiving a few cuts and being covered in frost.  He recovers quickly and extends his arm towards the Captain with his palm flat..

Y/N: "Hadō number 88!!! Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō!!!!"  Tōshirō's eyes flash open.  A vicious blast of blue electrical like energy fire's from Y/N's palm.  The Captain attempts to flash step away, but his right side still gets caught up in the attack as the beam was much wider than he thought it would be..  Unfortunately for him, it was enough to set off a massive explosion..

Unable to breath, he quickly flys out of the black cloud of smoke.  As soon as he does, he looks towards where Y/N was standing just a moment ago.  Of course, he wasn't there anymore...  A large, looming figure appeared behind the Captain, his weapon ready to decapitate him...

Before he can swing his blade, Y/N feels a cold sting coming from his arm, he looks down to see it wrapped up in Tōshirō's tail and covered in a thick layer of ice...  In a feat of strength, he pry's his frozen fingers off of his Zanpakutō's poll.  Tōshirō whips around quickly, bringing his blade with him, and slices across Y/N's chest.  But without so much as flinching, Y/N brings down his blade with one hand and cuts down and across his chest, shocking the Captain..  However, Tōshirō quickly shakes off the shock and launches Y/N away with his tail

Tōshirō: 'He broke my ice with his bare fingers.. and shrugged off being cut right across the chest like it was nothing!..-' He scowls in frustration, '-This isn't good..  I'll have to take him more seriously..'

Y/N recovers from being thrown and skids to a stop in the sky.  He looks down at his arm that's mostly frozen.  He focuses on it, and within a second, he breaks the ice off against his leg with sheer strength.  But he wasn't focusing on the Captain.... which is usually a fatal mistake...  As soon as he looks over at the Captain, he's already right in front of him with his blade on it's way to burry itself into Y/N...

Tōshirō: "Ryūsenka!!" He stabs into Y/N's chest, causing a massive burst of ice to pierce and encase Y/N.. "*closes his eyes* It's over for you."

But then..

The ice begins to crack...

.. Tōshirō opens his eyes to see Y/N staring down at him while still in the ice..

A look of surprise grows on Tōshirō's face.  But before he can do anything, Y/N's arm breaks through the ice and grabs the Captain by his cloak.  The rest of the ice cracks a bit more before it shatters completely.  Y/N pulls Tōshirō in close..

Y/N: "If it's any conciliation... that fucking hurt."  Tōshirō snaps out of it and goes to pierce Y/N's head with his tail.  Y/N tilts his head and dodges it, then headbutts the small Captain hard, drawing blood..  With him now stunned, Y/N backs up a few feet and readies himself to cut the Captain in half with one strike..

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