Chapter 7- Back To "Normal"

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—No One's POV—

—Kisuke's Shop Training Grounds—

Kisuke: "Now scream, Benihime!"

A large red arch cut through the ground as it made it's way towards Y/N who puts one of his hands out in front of him

Y/N: "Hadou number 31, Shakkahõ!!

Suddenly a ball of red Kido shoots out of Y/N's palm and slams into Kisuke's attack causing a large explosion. Kisuke was visibly surprised and even impressed, he hadn't really taught Y/N how to properly use Kido like that before.

Kisuke: "Where'd you learn that from?"

Y/N appears behind Kisuke in an instant ready to strike with his Zanpakto

Y/N: "You're WIDE OPEN!!"

His slash comes quickly, but not quickly enough as Kisuke blocks it with his own Zanpakto. What he wasn't expecting though, was the amount of power Y/N had put behind it. Kisuke's feet crack the ground underneath him as he tries to keep his balance, but because he was caught off guard, he was forced to retreat for a moment. As soon as he lands, so does Y/N, and as soon as Y/N's feet touch the ground, they shift in one fluid motion to face Kisuke's direction. Kisuke notices and is impressed even more. But as soon as they face his direction, they smash the ground underneath and launch Y/N forward at great speed.

Kisuke is forced to grip Benihime with both of his hands in order to block Y/N's next strike.

Kisuke: 'When did his strength jump like this?' He smiles as their blades are locked, "You've been holding out on me Nephew" Y/N has a grin on his face as well, but you can tell he seems to be enjoying this a bit more then he probably should.

Y/N: "What can I say? My "teacher" taught me not to play my best cards until the right moment!"

Y/N puts some distance between them by pushing Kisuke back as hard as he can. He see's Kisuke stager a bit and decides to go for one more powerful downward slash with both hands on his blade. But in an instant, Kisuke disappears and slams the hilt of his Zanpakto into Y/N's gut

Kisuke: "You're wide open"

Y/N flys back and slams into a bolder, hard..

Kisuke: "Maaaaybe I put a little too much into that one.."

The dust settles and Y/N is lodged inside the bolder with a little bit of blood running down his face

Y/N: *coughs* "Damn that hurts..."

Kisuke: "Sorry about that Y/N, but you made me get a little serious for a second there"

Y/N: "Well-" *pulls himself out of the rock and holds up his Zanpackto with one arm wile the other one hangs limply* "-Let's go again then"

Kisuke: "I think we're gunna call it a day"

Y/N: "What?? Why???"

Kisuke: "Look at yourself Y/N-"

Y/N looks down at himself and realizes what kind of shape he's in

Y/N: "Huh...."

His other hand covers half of his face as he suddenly looks very tired and drops to one knee. Kisuke rushes over and kneels next to him, making sure he doesn't fall on his face again

Kisuke: "You alright there?"

Y/N: "Yea.. I'm fine...guess I just don't know my limits all that well.."

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