Chapter 12- Uncertainty...

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—Soul Society—

Mya: "They moved it up?! But why?!?"

Nanao: "Please Mya, calm down-"

Mya: "But she didn't do anything wrong!! She helped save alot of people because of what she did!!-" she thinks for a moment, "Maybe I can go and talk to the Head Captain about it..."

Shunsui: "I don't really think that'd do much good right now. Especially since he's already giving you so much time off."

Mya looks down with a defeated expression on her face.

Mya: "..I guess when it comes down to it, I really can't make much of a difference with anything..."

Nanao: "Mya..." she looks at her friend with a worried expression..

Shunsui: "Heyyy come on now girls, there's no need t-"


Over The Intercom: "Attention! Attention! A group of Rioka have attempted to enter the Seireitei. All Squad members must return to your stations and await further instructions!"

Mya: "Rioka??"

Shunsui: "Well that doesn't sound good."

—Front Gate—

Gidanbō, the Gatekeeper of the West Gate, having been defeated by Ichigo Kurosaki single handedly, decided to open the gate and let the group of friends pass. But when the gate is opened, there stood a man with purplish/grayish hair in a white cloak..

Orihime: "Wait.. there's someone there!"

Y/N: *squints his eyes* "A Captain."

Yoruichi Cat Form: *See's the white cloak* "Everybody, RUN!"

???: "My my my. Just what do you think you're doing?"

Gidanbō: "U-uh... C-Captain Ichimaru!.-" the giant of a man was literally shaking in fear once he laid eyes on the man in the white cloak.. "- You see.. I lost to this Soul Reaper. So I opened the gate for him and-"

Gin: "Oh that won't do. When a Gatekeeper is defeated, he shouldn't open the gate.... He should die." The sly smiling Captain readies himself for an attack, "Shoot to kill, Shinsō!" A white light suddenly cuts the giant gatekeeper's shoulder deep, causing him to drop to a knee in pain... Then, Y/N suddenly flash steps next to the Captain with his Zanpakto ready to strike. His eyes have a hint off anger in them, which makes Gin open his own slightly. 'Well, this one looks as if he's here explicitly for me..'

Their blades clash and cause a small shockwave on impact.

Yoruichi Cat Form: "Y/N!!! What are you doing?!? Get out of there!!"

The Captain's smile grows wider..

Gin: "You should listen to your friend "Y/N", I might just let you slip through my fingers if you run now." Y/N's anger rose once he heard his name being said in a condescending tone. "Hmm? Something the matter, Y/N?-"

Y/N: "Get my name out of your filthy mouth you God damn Soul Reaper!!"

He looks up with absolute fury in his eyes. The air around the two begins to spin faster as their combined spiritual pressures begin to rise.

In an instant, Gin backs away and enters a stance that looks like he's about to lunge for Y/N, but he can see it coming..

When the attack comes, Y/N just barely moves out of the way, grabbing Gins wrist and making his eyes open up with surprise. The next thing he knows, the hilt of Y/N's blade is mere centimeters away from his face..

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