Chapter 5- Questions..

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—Y/N's POV—

It's.. it's dark...

My eyes.. it's hard.. to open them...

*Thunder rolls softly*

Is that?... *slowly opens eyes* huh?

Where am I?  Is it raining?..

—No One's POV—

The rain fell down steadily over Y/N's entire body.  He was laying down but, on what?  There was nothing there for him to lay on.

He looked up and saw grey clouds above him, but when he looked around, they were all around him as well.  As if he was inside a soft storm.  Even so, there was no wind to speak of, and the rain was warm, even soothing... it didn't get in his eyes, but he could feel the drops running down his face.  His cloths were wet, but they didn't feel any heavier at all, they weren't even stretched out or cold..

Y/N: "Where... am I?...."

???: "Why, this is your world"

Y/N slowly picks his head up and looks down passed his feet. He finds a figure in a tattered dark grey cloak surrounded by a dark mist.  The face can't be seen but the voice behind it has a bit of an echo to it that seems to reverberate through the new world all around Y/N.

Y/N: "Who are you?"  Y/N suddenly notices his voice is echoing too.  But it doesn't scare him, just like the cloaked figure doesn't seem to scare him either.  Y/N seems to still be almost half asleep, his eyes heavy and lacking focus, yet he can see the world around him and the dark figure clearly. "And what do you mean "my world"?"

???: "I am you, just as you are me.  And I mean this is your world, just as I have said before."  There's nothing threatening in the voice, but it's.... unnatural...

Y/N: "Well, wouldn't that make this ourworld?."

???: "In a way yes.  Though, this is all I've ever known, aside from your life."

Y/N: "What do you mean "my life"?  I've never met you before.."

???: "And yet I've been there with you all this time."  The figure seems to look up "Hmm.  But I guess we'll have to say goodbye for now.-"

Y/N looks up and hears a faint female voice

Y/N: "Is that?-"

???: "How tragic..-" Y/N looks back at the cloaked figure and notices part of it's face is....... bone...... a... a skull?.. "-I do hope you get stronger..."

In an instant everything Y/N saw disappears as his eyes start to open, only to find a very happy looking Mya looking down at him

—Kisuke's Shop—

Mya: "You're awake!" She goes down and practically jumps on him to give him a hug. "I was so worried....."

Y/N: *hugs her back* "I'm ok now, I promise"  he smiles as he feels Mya's heart rate calm down after she takes a deep breath of relief.

Mya: "What happened?? You were gone for days!"

Y/N: "Sorry, I was uh, pretty sick" *rubs the back of his head* "I've kinda been out of touch with everything for a few days"

Kisuke: *walks in with a tea set* "Well it's a good thing you called me when you did, otherwise who know's what would've happened to you?"

Kisuke set the tea set down and began to pour everyone a cup.  Mya was still a little uneasy about him, but decided to not say anything just yet.

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