Chapter 6- Answers...

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—No One's POV—

The air is thick, to say it could be cut with a knife is a severe understatement.

Rukia: "Ichigo?"

Ichigo: "Don't look at me-" his eyes never leave Y/N, and his stern look doesn't diminish either, "-He's the one you need to be asking questions to."

Rukia: "So you didn't know?"

Ichigo: "Of course not, all I knew up to now is that he could see spirits like me."

Y/N: "Up until a few weeks ago that's all I could do. But Rukia, you still haven't answered my question. Just what in the hell are you doing here in Karakura Town?"

Rukia: "I don't need to answer to you." Her tone was finally back to her confident stubborn self, but Ichigo put his hand in front of her "What do you think you're doing??"

Ichigo: "Just shut up for a second will ya? Y/N, Rukia temporarily lost her powers and can't go back to where she's from-"

Y/N: "You mean the Soul Society, right?" Both Rukia and Ichigo are a little taken back that he knows about Soul Society already.. "I'm only gunna say this once.  Leave.  You don't belong here, and if you won't go quietly I'll move you by force."

Ichigo: "Calm down Y/N, I just said she can't go back yet-"

Y/N: "I don't care if she has her powers or not, I want her gone. She can make it to the next town over just fine in that Gigai."

Rukia: 'Just how much does he know? Does he want me gone because he knows who my brother is? Or does he just hate Soul Reapers for some reason? And if it's the ladder.. why?.'

Ichigo: "What the hell Y/N?? Quit being so hostile, it's not like you!"

Y/N: "Ichigo you're my best friend, so trust me when I say I have a good reason for what I'm doing. We'll all be alot safer if she just disappears..-"

Ichigo: "Then tell me why, talk to me Y/N!"

Y/N: "Ichigo.... Don't make me go through you..."

Ichigo realizes he's not going to be able to argue with Y/N about this.  Both of them ball their fists as they stare each other down, but something begins to build around Y/N's fist..

Rukia: 'That's... that's spiritual energy!!'

Suddenly the sound of clog sandals can be heard approaching, which catches the attention of everyone

Kisuke: "Now now, there's no need for all that is there?"

Y/N wheels around to face his Uncle,

Y/N "Uncle, she's a Soul Reaper, we have to get rid of her before she brings more!-"

Rukia: "*under her breath*Uncle? There's no way..."

Ichigo: *looks over at Rukia* "Rukia just who the hell is this guy?"

Rukia: "He's my-"

Kisuke: "-Business partner, as well as Y/N's Uncle, Kisuke Urahara. Nice to see you again Ichigo, I see you've grown-"

Ichigo: "Wait, how do you know who I-"

Kisuke: "-Now.. Y/N-" Ichigo is a little pissed off that he was cut off, but stops himself, thinking he might get some answers... "- I'd advise you to stop now before you make things worse. And killing her would do just that.   Also making her leave wouldn't help much either, seeing as how she's obviously here on some assignment. If they were to come looking for her because she didn't report in and she wasn't here, they'd probably assume she was killed, which in turn would bring more Soul Reapers and possibly even a Captain. Either way, it's a bad idea."

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