Chapter 19-Revelations...

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Y/N: "You bastard!!!" In a fit of rage, and with his Zanpakutō still locked with Aizens, he swings for Aizen with his free hand in an attempt to grab his neck. Unfortunately he missed..

Aizen: "Now now,-" Aizen skillfully knocks away Y/N's Zanpakutō and slashes him across his chest.. "-there's no need for you to go and get yourself killed, is there?" Y/N is clutching his wound, but is still looking at Aizen furiously...

Y/N: "I'll... I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" He breaks the lock and brings his blade above his head and brings it down to try and hit the former Captain again, and again Aizen blocks it with a sly/cocky smile still on his face.. He then glances over at Ichigo, who's still bleeding out on the ground..

Aizen: "Ahh, this is all because of him. It would only make sense,-" he looks back over at Y/N, "-you two did grow up together." Y/N's seems a bit surprised once he hears this.. but his face soon returns to one of rage.

He goes on the offensive yet again, swinging his blade without as much skill as he normally shows. However, every time his attacks are blocked, a powerful shockwave erupts from the contact. He keeps trying to catch the fallen Captain off guard by trying to grab him, but Aizen just keeps dodging with that same smile on his face.

Aizen: "You should really pay attention to your surroundings more." Before Y/N has time to think, Tōsen drop kicks him from the side, launching him away.

Mya: "Y/N!!" Suddenly, a small blade touches her back without even cutting into her Soul Reapers cloak, causing her to jump in fear before freezing in place..

Gin: "Now now, can't have you distracting him can we? You might just get him killed~" his voice is just as pompous as always.. but Mya decides it might be best to do what he says for now...

Tōsen: "Forgive me Lord Aizen.. I could not bare to let this lab rat attempt to lay another finger on you any longer."

Aizen: "That's quite alright, thank you Kaname. However, you should be careful with him-" his attention is grabbed by what almost sounded like a beastly growl come from where Kaname just kicked Y/N... Then, he suddenly flash steps in front of the former Captains. Thankfully for Tōsen, he was able to hear Y/N grunt as he brought down his massive Shikai and moved out of the way just in time... Aizen also steps back, but in a much calmer demeanor.

Before Tōsen can close in again, Y/N wheels around and brings his scythe with him in an attempt to cut Aizen in half. Still with only one hand holding his Zanpaktō, Aizen blocks Y/N's attack. Though his arm is forced to bend further then he thought it would..

Aizen: 'Strange... I didn't hear him call out his Zanpakuto's name..' He then takes his free hand and drives it into Y/N's chest before he can attack again...

Mya: "NO!!!" She tries to move towards him but is pulled back by a still present Gin..

Y/N's eyes were now wide with shock and staring at Aizens hand that was halfway lodged in his chest.. Then, Aizen suddenly removes it, making Y/N drop to his knees clutching his chest while couching up blood.. But his anger somehow bubbles back up to the surface as he looks up at Aizen defiantly..

Aizen: *still smiling* "It's no wonder you and Ichigo Kurosaki are so close. You're practically the same-" he points to Y/N's now bleeding chest "-you even have a nearly perfect copy of the same being inside of you. Though I should be saying that about Ichigo..-" His smirk grows.. "After all.... yours is the original..."

Y/N: "And j-..just what the f-*cough*-fuck are you talking about??" Y/N tries to speak between bloody coughs..

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