Chapter 4-The Plot Thickens...

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—No One's POV—

—Karakura High School—

Kego: "Oh, there he is.  Hey Ichigo!"

Ichigo walks over to his group of friends a few minutes just before class starts.

Ichigo: "Hey guys.-" *looks at an empty desk* "-He's not in class today either huh?"

Kego: "We were actually just about to ask you about that."

Tatsuki: "Ya, if anyone would know what's going on with Y/N, it'd be you."

Chad: "Ya, or Mya." *looks over at the door*

Everyone else looks too, only to find Mya standing in the doorway looking at Y/N's empty desk.  Soon a sad look crosses her face as she walks away.

Tatsuki: "Poor girl.. I hear he hasn't so much as called her back since his Uncle's shop keep called him in sick.  I hear she's been so worried she even missed Kendo practice yesterday.."

Orihime: "Did you go by his apartment to check on him Ichigo?"

Ichigo: "Every day so far.  Yuzu started balling her eyes out when she heard why he couldn't come by for dinner, so I've been going to his apartment at least twice a day to leave food by his door.-" *rubs his head* "It's weird.. the food disappears, but no one's answering the door.."

Orihime: "Ohhhhhh maybe it's a ghost!!"

???: *giggles* "Oh Orihime, you know there's no such thing as ghosts."

Ichigo glances over to see who it is, then his face turns into one that says 'oh great it's you'...

Ichigo: "Oh great... It's you......  Rukia."

Rukia: "Oh come on now Ichigo, is that anyway to greet a friend?" She puts on probably the best fake/believable smile ever, and Ichigo can see right through it..

Ichigo: "Uhh huh, sorry.  Heeeey Rukiaaa.. There, that better?."  He says in to most unenthusiastic tone he can manage.

Rukia: "That's the spirit!!  So what's up guys??"

Kego: "Not much, just trying to figure out why Y/N's not back yet, he's never been this sick before"

Rukia: "Oh ya I remember hearing people talk about him but I've never actually met him before.  Who is he exactly?"

Orihime: "Oh he's Ichigo's friend!  They're about the same hight, and they've been suuuuper close ever since they were little-"

Kego: "They're basically the delinquents of the school who everyone's afraid of-"

Ichigo: "-Who are you callin a delinquent??  And besides, he's friends with Tatsuki and Chad too."

Chad: "Mhm.  He's actually really nice." Tatsuki nods in agreement.

Rukia: "Well I can't wait to meet him!  Hey, who is she?" She points at Mya who just walked in the room and starting talking to the teacher about something.

Tatsuki: "Hm?  Oh that's Mya, his girlfriend.-"

Rukia: "Girlfriend?"

Tatsuki: "Yup, they've been together for over 3 years now.  They basically can't function without eachother"

Orihime: "Dawooooo it's so romantic!  Supposedly they held pinkies and made eachother lunches in grade school and he finally got the courage to ask her out a few years ago!!"

Ichigo: "He was actually really shy before as a kid.  Gotta say, she's probably the reason he broke out of his shell as much as he did."

Chad: "Mhm."

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