Chapter 10- The storm...

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A few days had passed since the Menos Grande incident.  Y/N still hasn't heard from Mya, but he decides not to try to get in touch with her just yet considering why she said she was leaving...  Other then Rukia seeming a little distracted by something, things seemed to be going back to normal.

—Karakura High School—

Y/N: "A what?"

Ichigo: "A Quincy."

Y/N: *still confused* "What the hell's a Quincy?"

Ichigo: "To be honest, I'm not exactly sure.."

Y/N: "Gee, alota help you are." Y/N tone was flat and condescending

Ichigo: "Well at least I knew about it!"

Y/N: "Ya for like a day more then me!"

Ichigo: "Well I guess you missing school again means you missed more then just the pop quiz!"

Y/N: "The WHAT?!?!"

Rukia: "Would you two shut up already?!  I swear you're like a couple of small dogs barking at each other though a fence."

Y/N and Ichigo soon tower over Rukia, staring down at her

Ichigo: "And just who are you calling small pipsqueak???

Y/N: "Yea, that's alota smack talk from someone who has to look up to talk to everyone."

Rukia: *eye twitching* "You two want to run that by me again???"

Ichigo: "Pipsqueak"

Y/N: "Tiny"

Ichigo: "Short"

Y/N: "Small"

Rukia: *literally steaming* "You two are so dead... I'm gunna-"

Orihime: "Hey you guys!!  Sorry we're a little late!" Orihime walks over with Chad, Keigo, Tatsuki, Mizuiro, and... Uryū??  Anyway.  Rukia immediately turns around with an entirely different attitude....

Rukia: "Oh! Hello Orihime!-" again with the fake smiling, "- Come to have lunch with us?"

Orihime: "Yup! I brought my special spicy red bean pate curry with extra olives!  Wanna try some??"

Rukia: *swear dropping* "Uhh, n-no thanks heehe.. I-I've already got a bento box today"

Y/N: "Jeez, she's tryen to kill the poor girl-"

Ichigo: "I know right?  But maybe she should try it and see if it'll help her grow-"

Rukia: *looks over at the two* "-But I think these two would just love to try some" Orihime looks at both of them with sparkles in her eyes

Orihime: "REALLY?!?"

Ichigo and Y/N: *making an X with their arms* "No."

Ichigo:*points to Uryū* "But I bet Uryū here would like a bite or two"

Uryū: "Hey!!  Don't go dragging me into this!!!"

Rukia watched as the group of friends went on behaving like a bunch of lovable idiots and couldn't help but smile... However.. that smile sank into a sad look..

Rukia: 'Tonight..... It has to be tonight...'

She had already thought about this the other day when she was having lunch with the girls..


Chizuru: "So come on, tell us!  Are you and Ichigo a thing?"

Rukia: "W-what??  No!  He's just a friend!"

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