Chapter 50: How nice of you all to show up

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Dick Grayson

"Cat!" She didn't look up at me as I got to her side. She was still staring into the pool of water where the Music Maker had vanished. I looked down into the water as her body spasmed for the last time. I felt Catalina's hand slide into my own for a second before she started to sink to the floor. "Hey, hey. I've got you." I went down with her as she buried her head into my shoulder and started to shake. "I've got you." I started to wrap my arms around her but she winced and pulled away slightly.

"I'm pretty sure she broke my rib." She muttered, silent tears sliding down her face. I met her eyes.

"Do you want me to?" She hesitated for a second then nodded. I gently felt along her rib cage and she grabbed my shoulders, hissing in pain. "Don't move anymore, ok?" She nodded.

"Not planning on it." Her teeth were gritted. I reached into my utility belt and brought out a roll of bandages.

"This is just temporary." I said, carefully wrapping her ribs. "We will need to get you into a hospital." She nodded softly.

"So excited to be headed back there." I smiled and met her eyes. She had four slash marks across her face, two of them narrowly missing her green eye. I pulled out another set of bandages and started to work on her face. Her eyes stayed on my face until they flickered to something behind me. "Hey." I turned to see Conner, Kaldur, Megan and Wally standing behind me. All of the armed men were restrained and most were unconscious. Megan waved awkwardly.

"Hi. I'm Megan." Catalina smiled softly.

"I remember. Nice to see you again, though." Wally looked into the pool of water.

"Is she dead?" Catalina nodded, her face darkening quickly.

"Yes. So is the wolf." All of us glanced over at where Gnawbone's body lay, the ground around her stained red. "I killed them both." Catalina muttered. She leaned forward and rested her head against my shoulder. I exchanged looks with Kaldur then turned back to Catalina.

"Come here, Cat. Let's move over here." She nodded numbly and I carefully picked her up when she didn't object. We all moved over to the far wall, directly across from the main entrance to the warehouse. I sat Catalina down and sat down next to her. She leaned her head against my shoulder. Wally and Megan sat down with us. Kaldur and Conner stayed standing up. "How are you guys holding up?" I asked. Wally shrugged and grinned.

"Nothing new. Business as usual." I grinned back at him and Megan smiled as well.

"I think Catalina may have sustained the most injuries in this particular battle." Kaldur said. Conner nodded. We were silent for a few moments before Wally spoke up again.

"So, do we actually know anything about the Music Maker?" I shot him a look right as Catalina spoke.

"No. And we won't." She muttered. "Unless the league has a Necromancer that I don't know about." She leaned her head off my shoulder and against the wall, closing her eyes.

"Man, I wish." Wally mumbled. "That would be so cool." Megan elbowed him in the side and Wally shrugged away from her. "Ow, what? I was just saying it would be cool!" Kaldur studied my head then turned away slightly.

"Why don't we go check the rest of the warehouse and insure that we got everyone?" I nodded.

"That sounds good. Thanks, guys." Kaldur and Conner moved away from us as Megan and Wally got up and followed after Megan shot me a sympathetic look. I waited until they were a distance away before turning to look at Catalina. "Are you ok?"

"My ribs and face fucking hurt." She muttered, not opening her eyes. I nodded and grabbed her hand. She gripped it tightly.

"I know. I can't do anything else until we get you to a hospital." She didn't answer. I dropped my voice even more. "Cat, are you really ok?" She shook her head slightly.

"I killed them, Dick." She whispered. "I know they were trying to kill me, but I killed them. I never killed anyone before." I squeezed her hand and pressed a kiss against her forehead.

"You couldn't have done anything else. They would have killed you." She shook her head.

"We don't know that." Just then, there was a massive noise outside. The other young Justice members stopped moving. The doors to the warehouse blew open and I got to my feet, batons in my hands. I didn't really need them though. Superman, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Flash and Batman stood in the doorway. They moved into the room and Catwoman appeared behind them. The other league members seemed weary. But Batman nodded at her. "Hey." Cat said loudly. All eyes were drawn to her. She looked like hell with the heavy bandages around her chest and several bandages in her face from cuts from Gnawbone. She smiled though. "How nice of you all to show up."

//Hey guys! I hope you all are doing well and are safe and are having the happiest of whatever holidays you celebrate! I have successfully passed first semester of my senior and I am so excited to be over with it. I have a christmas surprise for you guys tomorrow in the form of the last chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying the book and are just as bittersweetly sad about the book ending as I am!

Much Love,


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