Chapter Six: Family

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//I would love to thank @R3ggi376, @Bestfriend36, and @arianna_pendragon for voting or adding this story to their reading lists! You guys are on of the reason I keep writing! Love you!// 

Catalina Kyle

"Mom!" Selina Kyle looked up from her iPad, as I slammed the door to our apartment shut.

"Hello, Catey. What's wrong?" She added, noticing the look on my face.

"I thought you told everyone that I was at Gotham Academy now!" Selina frowned, putting her iPad down.

"No. Not yet, Catey. What happened at school?" I dropped my bag down on the floor and kicked off my shoes.

"Grandpa Frosty was there!" Then I felt my face grow red and I tucked my blonde hair behind my ear. "I mean, Mr. Freeze. He attacked the library today." I flopped down on the couch next to Selina and huffed. Selina wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Catey! I meant to mention something to him but never got around to it." I sighed.

"It's alright. I hit him in the face with a book." Selina laughed.

"Is that all?" I shrugged, feeling a smile starting to spread across my face.

"I just told him off. Nothing major." Selina kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry again, Catey. But I have something that might cheer you up." I raised an eyebrow, giving her a sideways look.

"What?" I asked suspiciously. She smirked.

"I invited someone over for dinner." I groaned.

"Mom! I can't handle a dinner where I have to watch my language and-"

"It's your Aunt Ivy." I broke into a smile. 

"Really!?" She nodded and started getting to her feet.

"Yes. She'll be here in a few hours." I threw my arms around my mother's neck and hugged her.

"Thank you so much!" She kissed my cheek then headed for the kitchen.

"What kind of vegan food do you want?" She asked, looking at the food we had to offer.

"Salad works." I said, digging a bag of chips out of a cabinet.

"Did you get in trouble for being late?" She asked as she started to get the salad ready. I shook my head.

"Yeah, but he didn't give me detention." I smirked. "Mostly because Grandpa Frosty attacked and I think the professor was just relieved that I wasn't hurt and he wouldn't have to answer to you." She grinned at me.

"I hope you didn't just use our name to get out of trouble." I shrugged and sat down at the bar.

"No, I did not." I opened the chips and started to eat. "I also met Barbara Gordon today." Selina stared at me.

"The commissioner's daughter." I nodded and she turned back to the salad shaking her head. "You were polite, I hope." I scoffed.

"I was!" I place a hand on my chested and famed hurt. "What kind of savage do you take me for?" I asked in mock shock. She smirked at me and shook her head.

"Nevermind. Just finish your homework before your aunt gets here."

*Time Skip*

"Aunt Ivy!" I threw my arms around the red-headed woman. She smiled and hugged me back.

"Hey Catnip! How are you?" I pulled away and beamed at her.

"I'm great!" She winked at me.

"I brought a guest with me for dinner!" She called loudly throughout the apartment and Selina's head appeared in the kitchen doorway, looking furious.


"Aw!" A familiar, new jersey sounding voice called from behind Aunt Ivy and I grinned. "She seems sad to see me!" Mom relaxed as Aunt Ivy moved aside for my other aunt. Aunt Harley pulled me into a huge hug and enveloped me in her familiar scent of gunpowder and paint.

"Aunt Harley!" I squealed. She pulled back and ruffled my hair.

"Hey kiddo! Good ta see ya!" We all moved over to the table and Mom gave Aunt Ivy a look.

"You could have told me that she was coming, Red." Aunt Ivy shrugged and smiled at me.

"I thought it would be a good surprise for Catnip. Besides," She waved her hand dismissively. "You haven't seen Harley in a while, Selina." Mom rolled her eyes but she was smiling at her friends.

"Blow anything good up lately?" Aunt Harley asked. I chuckled.

"No. But I got visited by Grandpa Frosty at school today." Aunt Ivy sighed.

"Yes, I saw about in the news. Good job hitting him in the face with a book, dear." Aunt Harley ruffled my hair again.

"Thats our girl!" I smiled, proud of my family.           

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