Chapter 37: With that, she left my room

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Catalina Kyle

Sunlight filtered into my eyes and I groaned. I fumbled around for my pillow and froze when my fingers brushed against someone's arm. I sat up slowly, praying silently that I wasn't where I knew I had to be. "Fuck." I hissed. Dick was asleep next to me and we were both in his bed. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I ran my hands through my hair and winced as it caught in several knots. "Dick!" I snapped, smacking him on the shoulder. He groaned and shifted but didn't wake up. I ripped the pillow out from under his head and hit him again. He sat bolt upright, his dark hair sticking out in every direction and his blue eyes wide.

"Cat?" He slurred, still not entirely awake. With him awake, I moved out of his bed and started to fumble around for my socks. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, rubbing his eye.

"We fell asleep, Grayson!" I snapped, trying to haphazardly pull my shoes on without untying them. "I was supposed to be home last night!" His eyes got wide and he got out of bed as well. Both of us were still in our school uniforms just minus the blazers.

"What do you need me to do?" He asked. I ran my hands through my hair, hissing at the knots and looking around for my blazer.

"I need to get home now." He nodded and started to pull his shoes on then tossed me my blazer.

"Is your bag still down stairs?" He asked. I shook my head, my mind racing.

"I have no idea where it is. I honestly don't care. You can get it to me tomorrow, assuming I'm not dead." He nodded and grabbed his keys and both of us moved toward his door.

"Isn't your mom used to you not being home?" I shook my head.

"No. Everything I do at night, I get home at night. Nothing goes into the next morning." I groaned. "She is going to actually kill me this time."

"Maybe she's not home yet?" He offered as we descended the staircase to the main floor. I nodded.

"I can only hope." Instead of going out the main door of the manor, Dick led me to the garage and swung onto his motorcycle. I climbed on behind him and barely had enough time to wrap my arms around his waist when he pulled out of the garage. It took about 15 minutes to get to my apartment. I swung off the back of the motorcycle and turned to face Dick.

"I'll text you once if I'm still alive. If not, do you want to meet in the warehouse tonight to work on more leads?" He nodded and glanced up at the building.

"If she kills you, will you be able to come tonight?" I snorted.

"Oh please. I'll be there tonight." I pressed a quick kiss on his lips then moved toward the fire escape.

"Be careful." He called after me. I waved my hand back in his direction then quickly started to climb up the fire escape. When I made it up to our apartment, I slowly inched my window up, wincing everytime it made even the slightest sound. I turned back around towards the ground and waved to Dick before moving my body through the window. I heard him pulled away and back down the street and breathed a sigh of relief.

"And where were you all night?" I froze then slowly turned around.

"Mom." She was sitting in my desk chair, her blonde hair pulled up into a bun, her legs crossed and Iris in her lap. She did not look happy. She took in my appearance and raised an eyebrow.

"If you were going to be this late, I would hope that you would have at least been in your suit. But it would appear I would be wrong." She looked me dead in the eye. "Was it a boy?" There wasn't any real reason to lie. Dick and I hadn't been doing anything except talking and we happened to fall asleep. I nodded.

"Yes." She sighed and closed her eyes for a second before she opened them again. "Were you at least safe?" My face went red.

"Mom! Look, I went over to Dick's house to talk and-"

"Dick Grayson?" She cut me off. "One of the Wayne boys? Why am I not surprised?" I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like that, mom. I went over and we just talked and we happened to fall asleep. I promise that I didn't sleep with him, nor was I planning to." She sighed and was silent for several moments while she absentmindedly pet behind Iris's ears.

"Was that him who dropped you off?" I nodded.

"Yes." She was quiet again. I waited quietly as well, too nervous to move. Finally she stood up, cradling Iris in her arms.

"I trust you, Cati. But I'm not going to let this go unpunished." I opened my mouth but she cut me off. "I know that I normally let you have free reign but I can't do that anymore. You're grounded until further notice." With that, she left my room.

//AN: Hey guys! I totally meant to post this chapter last week and completely forgot! I hope you guys are excited for the next chapter to happen because that's when shit's going to hit the fan. Love you all so much and 'hopefully' see you next week!//

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