Chapter 26: And it's not going to end well for anyone in Gotham

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Dick Grayson

"Nothing?" Cat frowned as I shook my head. "That doesn't seem right. You'd think that someone must have run into the music maker since she's been here." She winced and her hand went to her right shoulder blade.

"You ok?" I asked, reaching out for her shoulder as well. She shook her head.

"No. It's this stupid scar. It really hot tonight and it's bothering me." I frowned and rubbed her shoulder.

"The music note from her first attack? That's still there? I would have thought that would have faded by now." She shook her head and twisted around to face me. We were both crouched on the rooftop across from Arkham Asylum.

"No, it's still there. Are you sure about this? You know that you can't let her see you." I nodded and kissed her gently.

"I know. But hopefully she'll have more information than we do." Catalina nodded and we jumped off the roof. Sneaking into Arkham was a lot easier than I expected and I made a mental note to let Bruce know later.

"Do you know which wing she's in?" Catalina whispered. We were hidden in the shadows as we waited for two armed guards to move on. Her green eyes sparkled through the darkness at me. I nodded.

"Same wing as the rest of the high powered villains. I'm not really comfortable with this by the way." She rolled her eyes.

"Because she's a villain. I know, I got it." She slipped out of the shadows and moved down the hallway. I hurried after her.

"It's just that Poison Ivy has never really given me any great cause to trust her."

"Neither have I." She muttered under her breath as we entered the villain hallway. I glanced nervously at each of the glass cells as we passed but Catalina didn't seem to be rattled. I felt their eyes on me.

"Black Cub." I stumbled to a stop, luckily between the walls separating one cell from another. Catalina looked into the cell and up at the hulking man who'd called her.

"Tío. I didn't know that you were back in Arkham." Bane nodded.

"Si. I've been here for a month. What brings you snooping around?" Catalina glanced over at me before answering. It was strange to see how calm she was in the presence of one of the few villains who had ever broken Bruce.

"I'm here to visit Aunt Ivy. I wanted to see if she had some information on a new villain who's shown up." Bane crossed his arms over his massive chest.

"Just be careful. If these guards see you, it will not be fun for you." Catalina smiled at him.

"They'd have to catch me first. If I feel bored later, maybe I'll orchestrate a jailbreak for you." Bane chuckled.

"Don't give me too much hope, niñita." Catalina nodded and continued down the hallway and I had to wait until Bane's back was turned to follow her.

"Tío?" I hissed. She shrugged.

"I don't think that you've quite grasped the fact that I was raised around these people." I frowned at her but she was already stopping in front of another cell. I stopped at the wall and watched Cat carefully. We'd been dating for almost two months but it still felt like she was hiding things from me. I understood that she probably felt the same way about me but it was weird to be so in the dark about someone I cared a lot for.

"Catnip? What on earth are you doing here?" I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. Catalina shot me a look before answering.

"I had a few questions I wondered if you could answer." Poison Ivy snorted and stepped into my view. Under the pale lights, her red hair stood out even more.

"You sound like the Bat. I hope you haven't been running around with his little sidekick." Catalina shook her head.

"No. This is about a new villain in town. Actually, she's been in town for a while. A little over six months. She calls herself the Music Maker. Have you heard of her?" Ivy thought it over before shaking her head.

"No... I don't think I have heard of her. Unless she's the reason for all the rumors flying around at the moment." Ivy pursed her lips and looked at Catalina. "A little over six months? How long have you been sitting on this information, Catnip?" Catalina shrugged.

"A little over six months. I had a run in with her. I thought about asking around but didn't want to make a mountain out of a molehill." Ivy's eyes narrowed.

"Have you told Selena?" Catalina shook her head.

"No. She doesn't know. I don't really want her to know. She'll just freak out." Ivy nodded.

"I understand that. But listen to me, Catalina. If The Music Maker is really the same person that these rumors are about, you need to not mess with her. She has something big planned and it's not going to end well for anyone in Gotham."

Batfamily (1): Black Cub (Dick Grayson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now