Chapter 48: When have I ever been

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Catalina Kyle

"No!" The woman's voice shot me out of my sleep and I jolted up in bed, covered in sweat.

"What the hel-" I had a second of dazed confusion before the wave hit me. Memories, names, places, faces of people flashed rapidly behind my eyelids. As the wave slowed to a stop, I sat in bed, breathing hard. My eyes wandered around my room until they landed on my suit. "Dick." I threw my covers off my legs and surged towards my suit. Selena looked up in surprise as I charged out of my room and grabbed the keys to her sports car from the bar.

"Cati? What are you doing? Where are you going?" I was already at the door.

"If you want to help, get Bruce and get the young justice mentors to the warehouse. Bruce will know what I'm talking about." I didn't wait for her answer, charging out of the apartment complex and getting the sports car out onto the road. I didn't know how long I had. Dick had clearly done something or the Music Maker herself had done something and everything was back. That bitch was going to pay. I sped through a stop light, narrowly avoiding getting hit by someone with the right of way. The warehouse wasn't actually that far away from Selena and I's apartment but for all I knew, in the time it would take to get there, Dick and the rest of the young justice would be dead.

I spun the car into a stop and climbed out silently. The warehouse was entirely lit up and I could hear a commotion coming from inside. I carefully climbed up a tree and onto the roof of the warehouse. I slowly lowered myself through the roof hole and onto one of the rafters. It didn't look good. Wally, Kaldur and Megan all had guards restraining them and Conner had a ripped woman in leather holding him in a headlock. Dick was on the ground with the Music Maker straddling him, her forearm pressed hard against his throat. I was clearing entering at the end of a monologue.

"Once I've killed you, I'm going to hunt down that pesky little bitch and make sure she knows what happened to you." The Music Maker leaned her face closer to Dick's. "Or maybe, I'll steal all of your memories." It was now or never. I stood up and called down to the crowd below.

"Excuse me, bitch, but that's my boyfriend." The Music Maker's head whipped around in surprise and she glared at me.

"You." She hissed. I grinned and winked at Dick, who was staring at me in awe.

"Me." I stepped backwards off the rafter and grabbed it at the last second, using it to swing me down towards the group. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the Music Maker tense up but I swung passed her and squarely kicked the ripped leather woman in the face. Because of the grip she had on Conner, when she fell back it pulled him back to. But I flexed my hand and snagged the lock on his glove restraints with my claws. It ripped apart like putty and Conner flexed his way out of the remainder of the restraints.

"Stop her!" The Music Maker shrieked but Conner lunged at her, causing the guards to go after him. Megan and Kaldur took their own captors' moment of distraction to fight them off. I got to Megan first. Her handcuffs were easier to rip through then Conner's. She smiled at me as she rose into the air to help Conner.

"Thanks!" I turned to Kaldur and he held his wrists out to me.

"Glad to see you up and on your feet." He said, before forming a sword out of water and turning to engage one of the armed men. I turned around and he was right behind me.

"You're here." He whispered. I nodded, ducking my head and working on his restraints.

"I'm here." I whispered back.

"And you..." I nodded.

"And I'm here." I flexed my hands, putting my claws away before I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "All of me is here. I promise." His blue eyes scanned over my face and I felt my heart ache as I remembered everything that happened when my memories were gone.

"Cat-" He started but I leaned forward and cut him off. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Trust me. There will be plenty of time for all of this later." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the ripped leather woman getting back to her feet and wiping blood off her jaw and two armed men turning their attention in our directions. I gave Dick's hand another squeeze before stepping back and flexing my hands again. My claws shot out and the ripped leather woman let out a snarl. Dick glanced between her and I before nodding.

"Be careful." I snorted and tossed my hair off my shoulder, glaring at the woman. Her eyes weren't woman and she had claws of her own now.

"When have I ever been?"

//Hey guys! Sorry about the delay in getting this chapter out, I had a ton a school work to catch up on before my school goes back in person for two weeks 🙄. I hope you all are really enjoying it and you are excited to see how it ends!

Much love,


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