Chapter One: New Student

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                                                                                  Dick Grayson

The roar of the black sports car pulled my attention away from my phone. The car pulled up to the curb and spat out a girl with waist long blonde hair. She said something to the person in the car then slammed the door shut. The car roared to life again and teared away. The girl pulled her blonde hair back with a green headband and scanned the crowd of gawking students with green eyes surrounded by black makeup. She pursed her ruby red lips and the crowd quickly went back to what they were doing. She pulled a pair of headphones from her bookbag and put them in her ears. As she crossed the courtyard of Gotham Academy, her eyes scanned the crowd and met mine. I felt an electric charge run through me then her eyes were looking at someone else. Barbara Gordon appeared at my side. The red haired daughter of Commissioner Gordon studied the girl through her black rimmed glasses. "What's the scoop on the new girl?" She asked, glancing down at me. I was sitting on the concrete edge of a fountain. I shrugged.

"Nothing so far." Our eyes followed the girl as she disappeared into the building.

"She looks pretty tough." Barbara said, messing with the end of her Gotham academy pullover sweater. I snorted and rolled my blue eyes. "What?" She smacked my arm. "It's a habit!" Barbara Gordon AKA Batgirl worked with me and my guardian, Bruce Wayne. Yes, I was part time superhero. You get used to it. The bell rang and I got to my feet, grabbing my bag. Barbara waved goodbye as she ran toward the building. The rest of the day was pretty dull. I did notice the new girl a couple more times. When she got into a fight and I paused. She had amazing technique. Part of my brain wondered if she had any type of training then I shook it off. Not everyone was like Barbara and myself. She just really stood out. I don't know what it was. After school, I raced out of the building and vaulted over a bench. Freedom! I race back toward Wayne Manor. Where as my days were pretty boring, most nights had some sort of action in them. When I closed the door behind me, Alfred Pennyworth appeared. His suit was crisp and clean and his face was dead serious.

"Welcome home, Master Grayson." I grinned at him.

"Hey Alfred." He raised an eyebrow as he followed me across the giant foyer toward the library.

"You seem very excited. Good day at school?" I rolled my eyes and dumped my bag on the couch.

"Hardly. I'm just looking forward to some action tonight." He sighed and dropped his arms to his side.

"I see."

"Is Bruce home yet?" I asked, walking toward the grandfather clock in the corner of the massive room.

"No. Master Bruce said he had important manners to attend to. Something to do with Harvey Dent's role as incoming mayor." I sighed and opened the clock face.

"Alright. If you hear anything from him, I'll be in the cave." I called as I moved the hands to the time of Bruce's parents murder. I heard Alfred footsteps retreating as the clock disappeared into the side of a bookcase. I descended into the Batcave and powered up the crime scanner. I must have sat there for an hour before Bruce appeared on the stairs. He looked surprised to see me.

"Dick. I didn't expect to see you down here." He made it to the bottom of the stairs and walked towards me. "Did you have a date?" I laughed and shoved some popcorn in my mouth.

"She cancelled. Apparently she was too good for me." Bruce pushed my feet off the dash and started typing something into computer. "How did it go with Harvey?" Bruce shrugged.

"He just wanted to know if I had any ideas for his comgain." I smirked.

"Did you?" He shook his head, looking over the information on the computer. I stood up and stretched.

"Well I think I'm gonna-" Just then one of the computer screens started flashing red. We both went over and surveyed the police report.

"Two assailants. Both in black..." I muttered.

"One with whip." Bruce muttered. We looked at each other.

"Shall we?" I asked. He shook his head in confusion.

"She disappears for a couple of years, resurfaces, disappears again and now has an accomplice?" I shrugged.

"You know her better than I do." He sighed and walked over to where his suit was stored.

"Let's go find out what this is about."            

Batfamily (1): Black Cub (Dick Grayson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now