Chapter 35: Screw class, we need to talk now

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Catalina Kyle

(A/N: The Song at the top of this chapter is Dick and Catalina's Song)

I was still shaking. After I'd slammed the wall shut last night, I'd wasted no time getting out of the warehouse and racing home. Selena wasn't home yet but that didn't stop me from hiding out in my room for the rest of the night with Iris keeping me company. I ran my hand through my long blonde hair and scanned around the other students around me. A hand seized my arm and pulled me out of the hallway and into a small empty classroom. "Fuck off!" I was ripping my arm free when I realized who it was. "Oh thank gods." I pulled Dick into a hug before I could think against it. He immediately hugged me back tightly.

"Are you ok?"

"A very long and very weird night." I mumbled into his chest.

"I know." I frowned and pulled back away from him.

"You know? What do you mean, 'you know'?" He sighed and ran a hand through his black hair.

"You know that figure that you slammed the door on last night?" My eyebrows furrowed together.

"You mean the wall? Yeah, I do. And how do you know about that?" He gave me a look and it hit me. "Oh my gods, you were the person. What the fuck, Grayson? You scared the crap out of me last night!"

"Yeah and you trapped me and Red Hood in the tunnels with that wolf thing." My face paled and I grabbed his arm.

"The wolf was after you, are you ok?" He looked down at my arm and I let him go. "Sorry, I didn't know it was you." I mumbled, not meeting his eyes. "I just honestly heard the howl and then saw you round the corner and charge at me." I felt ridiculous now about how I'd handled the situation. "How did you and Hood get out?" He shrugged.

"The wolf stopped chasing us and we ended up finding another tunnel out. We're hoping that Hood managed to hurt the wolf because he shot it after it attacked him." I took a deep breath and looked up, meeting his eyes.

"Sorry about hood-" He moved toward me, cupping my face and bringing it up to his. I closed my eyes and gripped the vest to his uniform in my fists. He backed us up until my back hit the wall. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. Both of us were breathing hard not neither one of us were letting go of the other.

"I can't do this." He breathed. "I can't stay away from you." I closed my eyes. I didn't trust myself to make a smart decision right in this moment. I wanted him so badly. I took a shaky breath.

"My family-"

"Fuck your family." He cut me off. I laughed softly and he held me tighter. "With all due respect." He added.

"I'll be sure to pass that message along." He rubbed his thumb gently over my cheek bone.

"Cat, look at me." I opened my eyes and met his blue ones. "I want you more than any other person I've ever been with. I don't care about your family or how they are going to feel about us. I don't care how my family is going to react to you. The only thing I care about is you and making sure that you are with me and that you are safe. And no amount of murderous family members or stolen jewelry is going to change that." I closed my eyes again and felt tears well up.

"Fuck you, Dick Grayson." I muttered. Then I opened my eyes and let the tears spill down my cheeks.

"Why?" He looked worried.

"Because what kind of superhero role model are you that makes me do all the hard stuff? You made me break up with you the first time. You make me feel bad for trying to protect you. You make me feel like the most important thing when I'm nothing more than a useless thief who almost got you killed last night-" He pulled me into another deep kiss before I could continue.

"Stop it." He growled. "You are not useless." I hung my head against his chest and started to cry harder. He moved his hands from my neck and face to wrap around me. "Shhh. You're not useless." He whispered and kissed the side of my head.

"I've missed you." I sobbed. He held me tighter.
"I missed you too, Cat. I really missed you."

"I was only trying to keep you safe." He rubbed my back.

"And I love you for that. But we need each other. You are the best partner I've ever had watching my back. You make me better." I sighed and leaned against him.

"I love you so much." I looked up at him and moved my hands to his face. He leaned his forehead against mine and rubbed my back.

"Where did that tunnel come out? Where did you see us from?" I sighed heavily.

"We have a lot we need to talk about. Here is not the place and, not to mention, we are probably going to be late for class if we stay in here much longer." He sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"I really don't care. Screw class, we need to talk now."

Batfamily (1): Black Cub (Dick Grayson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now