Chapter 44: I breathed, staring at the image on the screen

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Dick Grayson

I stood outside with Catalina as M'gann M'orzz ship landed. Catalina looked uncomfortable. I reached out and rubbed her arm. "Hey, there's nothing to worry about. I used to work with all of these guys and I trust them." Her green eyes studied me then looked back at the ship.

"If you say so." The ramp to the ship opened and the members of the Young Justice team exited the ship. There was Conner aka Superboy, a clone of superman made in a lab. He had a bit of temper but was otherwise ok. Wally West, AKA Kid Flash, the redheaded speedster who was the only one to know my true identity when I was a member of the team. M'gann M'orzz or Megan or Miss Martian was the only other green skinned martian alive other than her uncle, J'onn J'onzz. That just left Kaldur'ahm or Kaldur or Aqualad, the dark skinned Atlantian who led the team.

"Man, is it good to see you." Wally exclaimed as he appeared in front of us in a gust of wind. I grinned and accepted his hug.

"The feeling is mutual." When we pulled back, the rest of the team had reached us.

"Hi, Dick!" Megan squealed, throwing her arms around me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Catalina raise an eyebrow. I greeted the team then turned to Catalina.

"Cat, this is the young Justice team. Wally, Conner, Megan and Kaldur." She nodded at all of them.

"Nice to meet you." They smiled back and offered greetings or head nods in Conner's case.

"Guys, this is Cat, my..." I trailed off. Normally, I would have just called her my girlfriend but I didn't want to put pressure on her to remember. Catalina rolled her eyes.

"I'm his girlfriend, I just don't remember it." She shot me a look before putting her hands in the pockets of her jeans. Megan nodded.

"That's what Dick said over the phone. Why don't we go inside and talk?" Catalina shrugged and walked into the temple, talking with Megan and with Wally and Conner trailing behind them. Kaldur stood next to me.

"How are you holding up?" He asked, his pale blue eyes watching me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Straight to the therapy questions, huh?" He didn't answer. I sighed. "Honestly, I don't know. I'm stressed and scared for her and most new information just keeps getting worse. Except for one that Bruce apparently has a daughter in Long Island?" Kaldur nodded.

"Is she doing any better with the nightmares?" I shook my head.

"No. Especially after the talk with the Elle girl. I thought she was getting killed last night." Kaldur placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Well, this option seems to be promising. Don't lose hope yet." I sighed.

"I'm really trying."


Catalina looked warily at the large computer screen. "I may be rethinking this." Megan glanced at her as Bruce continued to attach the headset to her head.

"Nothing bad is going to happen. All this is going to do is show them what we are seeing." Catalina sighed.

"More people in my head. Just what I need." Bruce shot me a look and I moved over to Catalina and grabbed her headset.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She glared at me then closed her eyes for a second.
"Honest answer, no. If the nightmares stopped, I would be fine with living without my memories." She opened her eyes again and met mine. "But I do want to be able to remember you. I want to be able to remember my mom. And..." She trailed off and looked at the computer screen again. "This looks like the last option." I leaned down and kissed her forehead. Then I met her eyes again.

"I'm going to be watching. The second you want out, I will get you out. I promise." She held my gaze for several moments then nodded.

"I trust you." I nodded and started to hook up her headset. She sat completely still while I worked. Finally I stepped away and Bruce stepped away from Megan. Megan raised her eyebrows at Catalina.

"You ready to see what inside your mind looks like?" Catalina sighed and looked over at me. Then she nodded and looked back at Megan.

"This had better be fucking cool." Megan grinned and both of them closed their eyes. Conner crossed his arms over his chest. Wally watched the computer screen intently. Kaldur put his hand on my shoulder and out of the corner of my eye I saw Selina grab Bruce's arm. The screen blinked then flickered to life.

"Holy crap." I breathed, staring at the image on the screen. 

//So, I'm going to be completely honest, I watched the first season of Young Justice FOREVER ago. But I really enjoyed the dynamic with the team and everything that went along with it. I know I said in an earlier chapter that Tim was with the team and he is, but the OG members came to help out and left Tim and the rest of the team behind. Hope you guys are enjoying it and are looking forward to next week's chapter!! 

Much love, 


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