Chapter 46: Back where it all started, huh

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Dick Grayson

Bruce and I moved in and quickly started unplugging Catalina and Megan from the headsets. Catalina gasped, leaning forward and clasping her hand over her nose. Selina appeared at her side, stroking her hair. "Cati, it's ok. It's over." Catalina looked up and looked around at all of us.

"What the fuck was that?" She had tears in her eyes and when she shifted her hand, I could see that her nose was bleeding.

"Oh my gods." Selina breathed. "Here, Cati." Catalina accepted the washcloth from her mom and pressed it to her nose.

"How did we get out?" Megan asked, rubbing the side of her head.

"Once the fog rose around you, both of your vitals began to drop." Kaldur explained.

"Whatever is living in her head, really didn't want you guys to snoop around or to get out." Wally added on. Selina helped Catalina to her feet and she looked at Bruce.

"I appreciate everything that you've done for us. But I think that it's time that we go back to Gotham." Bruce nodded.

"I agree. I'm sorry." They held each other's gaze for a moment before Selina turned away and led Catalina away. We all looked at Bruce.

"What do we do now?" I asked. It came out angry but I wasn't trying to hold it back. Bruce looked at me.

"We go back to Gotham and we continue to look for a solution. But this can't be the one thing we focus on. The Music Maker is still at large and we don't need her to team up with anyone else." My fists clenched and I opened my mouth to say something but Wally put his hand on my shoulder.

"Why don't you go pack and we'll help clean up here." He gave me a pointed look and Kaldur shot me a look as well.

"Fine." It didn't take me long to pack, I hadn't brought much to begin with. My sliding screen door opened and I looked up to see Selina. I raised my eyebrow. "What are you doing here?" She shot me a look.

"I came here to check on you. I know how Bruce can be and I've seen how much you care for my daughter."

"He wants to go after the Music Maker. Apparently, Cat isn't a top priority anymore." Selina shook her head and took a seat across from me.

"Cat probably wasn't his first priority. Bruce probably only went as far as he has as a favor to you or me or both."

"That isn't what I wanted to hear." I sighed. She studied me carefully.

"What have you wanted from him, Richard?" I opened my mouth then closed it again. She continued to watch me. "You can tell me. I won't let it get back to him." I sighed and looked down at my hands.

"Um... I always wanted, expected, to grow up and become him. And the hero bit? I'm still all in. But that thing? That thing inside of him, that makes him sacrifice everything for the sake of his mission. That's not me. I don't want to be... the Batman, anymore." I looked back up at Selina. Her green eyes were understanding. She stood up and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Nobody wants to become who Bruce has let himself be."


"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Megan asked, her green eyes fearful. I nodded.

"You guys don't have to come if you don't want to. But this is my last idea and my last option." I fixed my mask over my face and turned to face them. The four other members of young justice exchanged looks then looked at me.

"We aren't about to let you walk into this alone." Wally said, and put his hand on my shoulder. Conner nodded and Megan offered me a nervous smile. I grinned, glad that they were standing with me.

"Thank you guys." I moved toward the garage door.

"Do you have any idea where the Music Maker could be?" Kaldur asked as they followed me. I sighed.

"There is only one place she's ever been."


All of the lights in the warehouse were on. Even from where we were all hidden in the woods, I could see movement within the warehouse. Wally looked nervous.

"Should we have told Batman or anyone else where we were going?" I shrugged.

"Probably." Kaldur's pale blue eyes were shining in the darkness.

"What is the plan?" I nodded towards the warehouse.

"This is where everything leads back to. Everytime Cat and I have had to deal with the Music Maker, it's been here. So this is where we have to end it." A low chuckle and female voice spoke from behind us.

"Back where it all started, huh?" 

//Here we go! Final battle is about to begin! Are you guys excited? We are so close to beginning done with the book and I'm not sure I'm entirely ready to let go yet.

Much love,


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