Chapter 22: Gotcha

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Dick Grayson

"Have you had any time to talk to Catalina Kyle?" I shook my head and accepted my mask from Alfred.

"No. I haven't really had time. She's been really busy lately." Bruce didn't comment. He just pulled his cowl on and climbed into the batmobile. Once my mask was on, I climbed into the passenger seat. "Are we heading anywhere specific?" Bruce nodded as the doors shut and the engine roared to life.

"Yes. Gotham Museum is expecting a shipment of new artifacts tonight at the docks. Several of the pieces are priceless jewels from around the world." I frowned.

"So it's guaranteed to be a crime magnet." He nodded and the batmobile peeled out of the batcave.


"Or absolutely no one will show up." I tried to stifle a yawn before Bruce could answer. He didn't answer though. Just kept looking down at where the artifacts were being stored for the night before being transported to the museum tomorrow. (Gotham City Logic, Let's be honest that's how they do things) "Maybe crime's taking the night off?" I offered. But, no sooner had the words left my mouth, Bruce leapt off the roof and glided down to the docks. I hurried to my feet and squinted down at where he'd been looking. I couldn't see anything but Bruce had all sorts of tech in his cowl that I didn't have in my mask. I leapt off the roof and quietly followed Bruce as we headed for the storage warehouse. We paused in the shadows as the workers finished unloading the last box and locked up the building. As soon as they left, we crept over to a side door and Bruce quickly took care of the lock. I wanted to know who he'd seen but I knew better than to ask right now. We entered the warehouse and stayed in the shadows. Don't let it be Catalina. Please don't let it be Catalina. Beside me, Bruce tensed up as two figures dropped down to the floor from the second level. I groaned internal as I recognized them.

"I just hit up the museum last week." Catalina muttered. "Why are we robbing them again?" Catwoman flexed her hand and her claws appeared, glittering in the shafts of moonlight streaming in from the large rooftop windows. She carefully dug her claws into one of the museum boxes and began to work the box open.

"Because, cub. There's no time like the present." Bruce stepped past me and into a shaft of moonlight.

"That's one way to think of it, Catwoman." Both women turned around to face him. I stepped out next to him and Catalina's eyes widened.

"Robin." She breathed. I noticed that her eyes were blue. She must use contacts so people can't recognize her eyes. I grinned.

"Long time, no see." Catalina glared at me before glancing at Catwoman. Catwoman wasn't paying any attention to her sidekick instead, she was watching Bruce.

"How did you know I'd be here?" Catwoman purred. I rolled my eyes.

"New shipment of priceless jewels to the museum? Where else would you be?" Catalina bit her lip and looked down at the ground. Catwoman glared at me.

"Annoying little bird. How can you stand him, Batman?" Bruce didn't answer her question.

"Turn yourself in. Don't make this harder then it as to be." Catwoman turned to face Catalina.

"Well. The conversation has begun to circle, cub. I think it's time to go." Catalina nodded and glanced at me. Then both women took off. Bruce quickly started to pursue Catwoman, leaving me to follow Catalina who had ducking into the shadows. I didn't have to chase her long because she found me. She slammed me into a large crate with her forearm pressed against my throat.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She hissed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I muttered back, pulled her arm away from my throat. "I thought I told you to lay low!" She glared at me.

"She told me to come along? What was I supposed to tell her, 'Sorry, Catwoman. I can't rob the museum because Robin knows who I am and told me to say out of it?'" She crossed her arms and waited for my response. I didn't have one.

"Why do you wear contacts out here?"

"Why do you wear reflective lenses?"

"Why are we just standing here talking when we should probably be fighting so they don't get suspicious?" She rolled her eyes and uncrossed her arms.

"Fine. After you." I grinned.

"Ladies first." She smirked in response.

"Age before beauty, old man." my eyebrow rose and I took a step forward. She took the opportunity to knock me down and pin me to the floor. "Gotcha." 

A/N: So, hopefully you've noticed the new amount of updates in the last couple of weeks. I have 12 stories I rotate work on and 3 stories I work on every other week (if you read fandom academy, you know) I'm trying to work on getting all of my 12 books to their sequels, so hince why I'll be trying to update this story until I finish it and can start the second one. I hope you guys are enjoying the updates!

Batfamily (1): Black Cub (Dick Grayson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now